
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gululukuaican
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文化是人类在社会历史发展过程中创造的精神财富和物质财富的总和。到目前为止,文化背景知识在我国还没有形成一门专门的学问,可以说,它是一门具有综合性的杂学,是反映不同历史时期不同国家、不同民族特点的一些基本常识。从教学角度看,根据语言的交际性原则,它应是实践课的一个组成部分,文化背景知识的传授应是一种密切结合语言实践的教学,它一般应与实践课同步进行,而不能脱离实践另搞一套。因此,我认为加强文化背景知识教学的原则和方法,主要有以下几点: Culture is the sum of spiritual and material wealth created by mankind in the course of social and historical development. So far, the cultural background knowledge has not formed a special knowledge in our country. It can be said that it is a comprehensive miscellaneous science and some basic common sense reflecting the characteristics of different countries and different nationalities in different historical periods. From the teaching point of view, according to the communicative principle of language, it should be an integral part of the practical course. The imparting of cultural background knowledge should be a teaching that closely integrates with the language practice. It should generally be synchronized with the practical course and can not be separated Practice another set. Therefore, I think the following principles should be applied to strengthen the teaching of cultural background:
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