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各市(县)防治非典型肺炎工作领导小组、省直各部门、各驻琼单位、各驻军部队、海南武警边防总队、各人民团体:为了切实加强我省防治非典型肺炎工作,保障人民健康,根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》和省委书记、省长、省防治非典型肺炎工作领导小组组长汪啸风同志指示精神,现就我省实施“口岸把关、全省布控”工作通知如下:一、防治非典型肺炎是当前我省的中心工作。其目标一是要努力做到把“非典”疫情阻击在岛外,努力实现海南无疫区;二是一旦输入性病例发生后,要做到早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗,确保无疫情传播。因此各地、各部门和各单位都要紧紧围绕着这个中心工作和目标开展工作。 The leading groups for preventing and treating atypical pneumonia in all cities and counties, the provincial departments directly under the central government, the units stationed in Qiongqiong, the garrison units, the Hainan Armed Police Frontier Corps, and the people’s organizations: In order to effectively strengthen the work of prevention and treatment of SARS in our province and ensure people’s health, According to the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases” and the instructions of Comrade Wang Xiao Feng, secretary of the provincial party committee and provincial governor, and leader of the provincial SARS prevention and control team, we hereby notify the provincial authorities of the implementation of the “ As follows: First, prevention and treatment of atypical pneumonia is the current center of our province. The first goal is to strive to ”SARS" outbreaks blocked outside the island, and strive to achieve Hainan free zone; Second, once the incidence of imported cases, to be early detection, early report, early isolation, early treatment , To ensure no epidemic. Therefore, all localities and departments and all units should work closely around this central task and goal.
市政府: 国务院决定从今冬起统一部署、统一时间、统一步骤、统一要求,在全国范围内对所有四岁以下的儿童进行两轮强化免疫。我市已定在今年十二月五日、六日 Municipal Go
经常有人问我,你为什么身体那么好,而且总是乐呵呵的。 我就想起我的50多年前的桑顿嬷嬷和同班同学乔艾和米尼,她们一直和我保持通信和电话联系,他们都健康地活着。这可能是
Protein logic gates acting at posttranscriptional levels are unique in being amenable to the control of both intracellular and intercellular biological processe