女性在生活中总是扮演着多种角色,因生活而披上铠甲,搏杀职场、顾盼爱情、为家庭而洗手做汤羹,踩着七寸高跟鞋踏过写字楼,也走过菜市场,即使生活无忧,也很少觉得轻松自在。母亲、女儿、女强人、家庭主妇……多种角色在生活中不断交换重合,忍耐担当,但其实却总是希望能卸下包袱,轻轻松松约上闺中密友,来一个生活大逃逸,短暂纵情于自己勾勒的梦想之地。去一个能让我们尽情展现娇媚、舒展曼妙身姿的地方;一个能大口呼吸、回归自己静谧内心的地方;一个能让你宠辱不惊,看世间云淡风轻的地方。而我却在澳大利亚发现了我的Dream Tour,这里给我一种轻松无忧的状态,还我一种惬意闲适的意境!
Women always play a variety of roles in life. They wear armor, life in the workplace, look forward to love, wash their hands for the family soup, stepping on seven-inch high heels to walk through the office building, but also through the market, even life Worry-free, rarely feel comfortable. Mothers, daughters, women, housewives ... ... a variety of roles in life constantly exchange coincidence, patience to play, but in fact they always hope to unload the burden, easily around the close friends in the boudoir to escape a big life, Temporarily indulged in the dream of their own outline. Go to a place where we can enjoy our charming and graceful posture; a place where we can breathe and return to our inner peace; And I found my Dream Tour in Australia, here give me a relaxed state of mind, but also I am a comfortable and comfortable mood!