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现代市场的发展是以消费者的需求为动力和出发点的,研究当代消费者的社会价值观、消费观和消费行为,已成为预测未来的社会发展、未来的消费文化、未来的市场机会,从而探索和把握中国未来市场发展趋势的重要前提,近年来,随着中国市场的逐步成熟,随着对国际营销界市场研究热点的理解和把握,这一观点已被国内业界所认可和接受。时下,一个重要的问题突显在我们面前,迫使我们去思考和探索:洞察消费者、 The development of the modern market is based on the needs of consumers as the driving force and starting point. Studying the social values, consumer attitudes and consumer behaviors of contemporary consumers has become an exploration of the future social development, future consumer culture and future market opportunities. And grasp the future development trend of China’s market an important prerequisite, in recent years, with the gradual maturity of the Chinese market, with the understanding of the international marketing market research and grasp of the hot spot, this view has been recognized and accepted by the domestic industry. Nowadays, an important issue is highlighted in front of us, forcing us to think and explore: insight into consumers,
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一  初三那年,游子桐因成绩长期“霸占”年级第一,得到老师的特批:可以不上体育课,也可以不写他不想写的作业。大家意见很大,说老师偏心。老师也直言不讳:“人家随便考都得满分,有
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