雷诺为威廉姆斯车队,路特斯车队、红牛车队和卡特汉姆四个车队提供发动机,在如火如荼的F1赛场外,雷诺F1运动部赛道运营经理Remi Taffin如是说。大家好,我是Remi Taffin,是雷诺F1运动部的赛道营运经理。大家知道,雷诺现在为四支车队提供发动机,包括威廉姆斯车队,路特斯车队、红牛车队和卡特汉姆四个车队,我主要负责这四个车队发动机方面的协调工作。
Renault provided engines to four teams, Williams Racing, Luteus Racing, Red Bull Racing and Cartham, and said Remi Taffin, track operations manager at Renault F1 Sport, in full swing. Hi everyone, I’m Remi Taffin, Track Operations Manager at Renault F1 Sport. As you know, Renault is now supplying engines to four teams, including the four teams, Williams, Luteles, Red Bull and Cartham. I am primarily responsible for coordinating the four fleet engines.