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去冬今春以来,庐山管理局为加快改革开放的步伐,发展市场经济,采取了“打开山门,全方位地实行对外开放”新举措,金山各行各业围绕为来山旅游者提供“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”一条龙优质服务,为搞活经济、增强活力想新法、出新招。但在激烈市场竞争而前,一些单位和个人为了自身的经济利益,展开了争抢客源“大战”,形成了一股拉客索取“回扣”的旋风,给庐山的声誉造成了不良影响。一、现象“回扣”现象由来已久。八十年代中期,一些偏景点使出了让导游人员介绍客人到本店做生意,以“回扣”报酬的办法,这样一来,偏僻景点一向生意清淡的现象有了改观.此后“回扣”现象份份被效仿和推广至今年上半年发展到“吃、住、行、购、娱乐”各个行业且回扣比例越来越高,时间上也呈现出由淡季向旺季发展的趋热。景点商店零售云雾茶,从出售总价款中“回扣”50%给招徕生意的导游人员;饮食餐馆(含正街的部分餐馆)将全部的餐费收入40%“回扣”给驾驶员、导 Since the winter and spring, the Lushan Management Bureau has adopted a new approach of “opening the door of the mountain and opening up to the outside world in an all-round way” to accelerate the pace of reform and opening up and develop a market economy. Jinshan’s various industries provide “eat and stay” for visitors to the mountains. “One-stop service, travel, shopping, entertainment, and entertainment” are all in order to invigorate the economy and enhance vitality. However, before the fierce market competition, some units and individuals fought for the “war” for their own economic interests and formed a whirlwind for soliciting “rebates”, which caused an adverse impact on the reputation of Lushan. First, the phenomenon of “rebate” has a long history. In the mid-1980s, some of the partial attractions used the method of letting tour guides introduce guests to the restaurant and use “rebate” compensation. As a result, the phenomenon of the light spots in the remote spots has been changed. The “rebate” phenomenon has since The copy has been emulated and promoted until the first half of this year, developed into the “eat, live, travel, purchase, entertainment,” various industries and the proportion of rebates is getting higher and higher, the time also showed a trend of development from the off-season to the peak season. Attractions shop retail cloud tea, from the sale of the total price of “rebate” 50% to guide the business of the recruitment of staff; restaurants restaurants (including some restaurants in Zhengjie) will be all meals income 40% “rebate” to the driver, guide
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摘 要:民间艺术源自民众生产生活的需要,陇南礼县的高台社火艺术最初是为了满足祭祀的需求,伴随时代的发展现已转变成民间娱乐活动。当前国家重视传承民族民间艺术,陇南礼县高台社火艺术逐渐引起大家的重视。本文从陇南礼县高台社火的功能演变、历史、文化内涵、表演、传承现状这几个方面对其进行研究和分析,希望对相关领域的研究有借鉴意义。  关键词:陇南礼县 高台社火 地域性特征  一、陇南礼县高台社火概述  (一