Off-pump Coronary Endarterectomy and Bypass Grafting in Patients With Diffuse Coronary Artery Diseas

来源 :South China Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Dalyforever
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Objectives To summarize our preliminary experience on off-pump coronary endarterectomy and bypass grafting in patients with diffuse coronary artery disease. Methods Over a 3-year period, 53 patients (41 male) with diffuse coronary artery disease underwent off-pump coronary endarterectomy and bypass grafting at our institution. Patients’ age ranged from 55 to 79 years. Prior to surgery, 70% of patients were in CCS angina class 2 (n=5) or 3 (n=32), and nearly half of them (26/53) had history of myocardial infarction. Most patients (n=50) had triple vessel lesions, with left main stem involvement in 9. Their left ventricular ejection fraction ranged from 26% to 65% (mean 52%). At the end of operation, a flow-meter was routinely applied to measure the perfusion flow of each post-endarterectomy graft. Results In total, 70 endarter-ectomies were performed in 53 patients, including 38 in left anterior descending artery (LAD), 8 in circumflex artery and 24 in right coronary artery. Four operations were emergency or urgent in nature. Five patients received on-lay venous patch after endarter-ectomy in LAD, followed by left internal mammary artery (LIMA) grafting on the patch. The graft conduits included 53 LIMAs and 2 radial arteries, and saphenous veins in others. Mean number of grafts per patient was 3.75. The overall index of complet-eness of revascularization reached 1.03±0.07. There was no death in this group of patients during their post-operative hospital stay (mean duration = 9 days). Intra-operatively, 63 (90%) out of the 70 grafts after coronary endarterectomy showed satisfactory flow. Two patients had perioperative myocardial infarctions but neither experienced significant hemodynamic deteri-ations. Conclusions Off-pump coronary endarterec-tomy with bypass grafting is technically feasible and can be performed safely in patients with diffuse coronary artery disease. This strategy may help to improve the completeness of myocardial revasculari-zation. Objectives To summarize our preliminary experience on off-pump coronary endarterectomy and bypass grafting in patients with diffuse coronary artery disease. Methods Over a 3-year period, 53 patients (41 male) with diffuse coronary artery disease underwent off-pump coronary endarterectomy and bypass Prior to surgery, 70% of patients were in CCS angina class 2 (n = 5) or 3 (n = 32), and nearly half of them (26 / 53) had history of myocardial infarction. Most patients (n = 50) had triple vessel lesions, with left main stem involvement in 9. Their left ventricular ejection fraction ranged from 26% to 65% (mean 52%). At the end of operation, a flow-meter was routinely applied to measure the perfusion flow of each post-endarterectomy graft. Results In total, 70 endarter-ectomies were performed in 53 patients, including 38 in left anterior descending artery (LAD), 8 in circumflex artery and 24 in right coronary artery. Four operat Five were received on-lay venous patch after endarter-ectomy in LAD, followed by left internal mammary artery (LIMA) grafting on the patch. The graft conduits included 53 LIMAs and 2 radial arteries, and saphenous Mean number of grafts per patient was 3.75. The overall index of complet-eness of revascularization reached 1.03 ± 0.07. There was no death in this group of patients during their post-operative hospital stay (mean duration = 9 days) Intra-operatively, 63 (90%) out of the 70 grafts after coronary endarterectomy showed satisfactory flow. Two patients had perioperative myocardial infarctions but neither experienced significant hemodynamic deteri-ations. Conclusions Off-pump coronary endarterec-tomy with bypass grafting is technically feasible and can be performed safely in patients with diffuse coronary artery disease. This strategy may help to improve the completeness of myocardial revasculariation.
海棠学名:Malus spp.蔷薇科、苹果属。落叶小乔木或大灌木,高4.5~7.5米。树冠形状差异大,有分枝低、树冠大的,有垂枝的,有枝条向上伸展、形成窄形 Begonia Scientific Name:
广西壮族自治区贵港市建设规划委员会认真贯彻落实党风廉政建设责任制,积极构建惩治和预防腐败体系,切实加强教育,健全制度,强化监督, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Gu
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