
来源 :婚育与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongsiyouyu
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避孕是大妇俩暂时不想生育而采取的一种不影响生活的科学方法。现在许多新婚夫妇婚后都不急于要孩子,但是有些人缺乏应有的避孕知识,又不好意思请教别人,所以很容易意外怀孕,不得不作人工流产,影响工作、学习和身体健康。其实,结婚前大妇就应该学习些生理知识和性知识,掌握避孕方法,以便处理好婚后的生活、学习和工作。避孕是夫妻生活中不可回避的性问题。不同文化层次的夫妻接受避孕的心理反应和避孕效果相差悬殊。能主动选择避孕方法的多为知识型结构的夫妻, Contraception is a scientific method that does not affect life. Now many newlyweds are not in a hurry to get their children after marriage. However, some people lack the knowledge of contraception and are too embarrassed to consult others. Therefore, they are easily pregnant and have to make induced abortion, which affects their work, study and health. In fact, before marriage, an older woman should learn some physiological knowledge and sexual knowledge, master the method of contraception, in order to deal with the married life, study and work. Contraception is an unavoidable sexual problem in the life of a couple. Different cultural levels of couples accept the contraceptive psychological effects and contraceptive effects vary greatly. Able to choose the contraceptive methods mostly knowledge-based structure of the couple,
八旗汉军是清代八旗组织中的三个重要组成部分之一。八旗汉军问题,国内讨论还不多,并有一些歧异的看法。本文旨在对汉军发展中的一些基本问题进行探讨,以就正于诸同志。 一
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