中国新徽商 负重前行的“徽骆驼”

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徽商,即徽州商帮,萌芽于东晋,成长于宋唐,兴盛于明清。徽商以资本雄厚、活动范围广、经营项目多、兴盛时间长且崇尚文化为特点,成为中国历史上著名的“五大商帮”之一。徽商的商业活动遍布全国,主要经营盐、米、丝、茶、纸、墨、木材等,鼎盛时期曾占有全国总资产的4/7,足迹还远至日本、暹罗、东南亚各国以及葡萄牙等地。旧时徽州因境内有新安江流经,又称新安郡,所以徽商又称新安商人。电视剧《新安家族》就是描述了徽州商人的自强不息精神。徽州地处皖南的崇山峻岭之中,相对封闭的地理环境、地少人多、农耕条件差的情况让靠天吃饭的当地人不得不另谋出路。民谚云:“前世不修,生在徽州,十三四岁,往外一丢。”许多徽州人从小背井离乡,出外学艺,奋力拼搏,打下基业。他们的忍辱 Huizhou merchants, that is, Huizhou merchants, sprout in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, grew up in the Song and Tang Dynasties, flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Huizhou Merchants has become one of the “Five Major Businesses” in Chinese history with a strong capital base, a wide range of activities, a large number of operating projects, a long history of prosperity and respect for culture. Huishang’s business activities are all over the country. Its main business is salt, rice, silk, tea, paper, ink and wood, which occupied 4/7 of the country’s total assets during its heyday. Its footprint is far to Japan, Siam, Southeast Asian countries and Portugal Other places. Old Huizhou due to the territory of the Xin’an River flows through, also known as Xinan County, so also known as the merchants of Xinan businessman. TV series “Xin’an family” is to describe the self-improvement spirit of Huizhou businessmen. Huizhou is located in the mountains of Wannan, relatively closed geographical environment, less people, poor farming conditions so that locals rely on the weather to eat another way out. Civil proverb goes: “Past life does not repair, was born in Huizhou, thirteen years old, a lost out.” "Many Huizhou people left their homes since childhood, study abroad, worked hard and lay foundation. Their humiliation
本文从理想信念、社会主义核心价值观、纪律、学习等方面阐述如何培养高尚人格形象。 This article elaborates how to cultivate a noble personality image from the aspe
现在我们谈到创业,都愿意谈大方向。比如说有人问我说,孙总,我在创业,你认为移动互联网是不是创业的好方向?大家都在谈很多的模式,我是中国的什么什么,美国的什么做得很成功,我要第一时间复制到中国。我认为这些东西都已经偏离了本质。首先做出一个有人买的东西;其次,找到一种方法,能够把这个东西持续不断地卖出去。这就是创业。  我们所有人都可以用“做买卖”这三个字反过来看自己正在做的事情。大家都在谈商业模式。
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