叶挺于1924年10月加入中共至1928年6月脱党,这三年半时间内竟两次受到党内处分,究竟为何原因? 1926年5月,叶挺独立团作为北伐的先遣队先期入湘,而后直捣武昌。9月5日,北伐军第二次总攻武昌。蒋介石嫡系刘峙所率二师裹足不前,独立团一营营长曹渊率部队孤军攻城,部队损失惨重,曹渊牺牲。刘峙却谎报二师比独立团先攻入城内,欲窃夺头功。叶挺极为愤慨,但在蒋介石庇护下,刘峙未受到任何处分,安葬完曹渊等烈士后,他悲怆地对独立团参谋长周士第叹息道:“独立团伤亡如此重大,似乎无人爱惜,实在无法再干下去了。”一气之下,叶挺擅离团队到上海接家属去了。
Ye Ting joined the CCP in October 1924 and left the party in June 1928. In fact, he was punished within the party for three and a half years in three and a half years. For what reason? In May 1926, as the advance team of the Northern Expedition, Ye Ting advanced into Hunan early, Then straight down Wuchang. On September 5, the Northern Expeditionary Army attacked Wuchang for the second time. Chiang Kai-shek Department of Liu Zhi rate by the second division stagnant, battalion commander of an independent regiment Cao Yuan led his troops alone siege, the troops suffered heavy losses, Cao Yuan sacrifice. Liu Zhi was false to report two divisions than the independent group scored first in the city, for the purpose of stealing power. Ye Ting was very outraged. However, under the protection of Chiang Kai-shek, Liu Zhi received no punishment. After the funeral of Cao Yuan and other martyrs, he sadly sighed and said to the Chief of Staff of the Independence Regiment, Zhou Shizi: “The death toll of the Independence Regiment is so heavy it seems no one cherishes Really can not do it anymore. ”Angrily, Ye Ting team away from Shanghai to pick up their dependents.