据联合国的统计资料显示,目前,非洲大陆的艾滋患者及艾滋病病毒携带者人数接近1亿。近几年来,非洲每年至少有150万人死于艾滋病,艾滋病已成为非洲大陆的第一杀手,也成了制约非洲社会与经济发展的障碍之一。 非洲统一组织防治艾滋病卫生部长会议于2000年5月9日在布基纳法索首都瓦加杜古召开的会议上通过了一项艾滋病行动计划,呼吁动员一切力量来遏制艾滋病在非洲大陆的蔓延。
Statistics from the United Nations show that there are currently nearly 100 million AIDS patients and people living with HIV on the African continent. In the past few years, at least 1.5 million people in Africa die of AIDS every year. AIDS has become the number one killer on the African continent and has also become one of the obstacles to the social and economic development in Africa. At its meeting held on 9 May 2000 in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, the OAU Health Ministers’ Meeting on AIDS adopted an AIDS action plan calling for all forces to be mobilized to curb the spread of AIDS on the continent .