Effect of Banana Stalk Organic Fertilizer on the Growth of Chinese Cabbage

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyong910
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In order to solve the problem of waste disposal after banana harvest,we use banana stalk to produce banana stalk organic fertilizer,through a plot experiment. We compare the influence of normal organic fertilizer( Wanlubao) and banana stalk organic fertilizer as base fertilizers on Chinese cabbage growth,and evaluate the economic benefits of banana stalk organic fertilizer. The results show that organic fertilizer has little effect on water content and nutrient content of Chinese cabbage,but has significant effect on plant height and leaf width. Using organic fertilizer can increase the production of Chinese cabbage by 22. 50%- 43. 10%. With 6750 kg / ha normal organic fertilizer,Chinese cabbage gets the highest yield,which reaches 30135 kg / ha,followed by the treatment of 6750 kg / ha stalk organic fertilizer. At farmers’ conventional fertilization level( 4500 kg / ha),stalk organic fertilizer can increase the yield by more than 3. 50% in comparison with the normal organic fertilizer,and the economic benefit increases by 1800 yuan / ha. As a kind of banana waste cycling product,banana stalk organic fertilizer is of low cost and good effect,and can be used instead of normal organic fertilizer. In order to solve the problem of waste disposal after banana harvest, we use banana stalk to produce banana stalk organic fertilizer, through a plot experiment. We compare the influence of normal organic fertilizer (Wanlubao) and banana stalk organic fertilizer as base fertilizers on Chinese cabbage growth, and evaluate the economic benefits of banana stalk organic fertilizer. The results show that organic fertilizer has little effect on water content and nutrient content of Chinese cabbage, but has significant effect on plant height and leaf width. production of Chinese cabbage by 22. 50% - 43. 10%. With 6750 kg / ha normal organic fertilizer, Chinese cabbage gets the highest yield, which reaches 30135 kg / ha, followed by the treatment of 6750 kg / ha stalk . At farmers’ conventional fertilization level (4500 kg / ha), stalk organic fertilizer can increase the yield by more than 3. 50% in comparison with the normal organic fertilizer , and the economic benefit increases by 1800 yuan / ha. As a kind of banana waste cycling product, banana stalk organic fertilizer is of low cost and good effect, and can be used instead of normal organic fertilizer.
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广东阳春市炼铁厂铸造车间有 4t/ h,3t/ h化铁炉各 1座 ,由于厂址地处南方 ,空气湿度大 ,逢梅雨季节更甚。水分与焦炭在炉中接触时会发生吸热反应 ,使炉内温度降低 ,生成的 C