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3年连发3个县级“一号文件” 1993年元旦刚过,江西波阳县近千名科以上干部集中于县委礼堂,每人手中得到一份墨香未散的县委、县政府、县人武部联合颁发的“一号文件”。会上县委书记倪忠民说:“发这个‘一号文件’,一是给大家提个醒,别让冷却了枪管淡漠了国防意识;二是今年要举全县之力把国防硬件搞上去。” 当年,在临街黄金地段耸立起一座建筑面积为1720平方米的国防教育大楼,在大楼崛起的同时,民兵训练基地的教室、寝室、饭堂等设施也投入使用。一年多来,这座大楼接待参观受教育的干部群众和民兵、学生达24万多人次。 1994年县委、县政府、县人武部“一号文件”的主题词是:“发展以劳养武,壮大地方经济实力”。因此,各级党政领导都将以劳养武企业与乡镇企业放在同等位置上;广大人武、专武和民兵干部竭尽全力兴办以劳养武企业。随后,全县劳武企业蓬勃发展起来。仅民兵训练基地开办的驾驶员培训班、青年岗前培训班、政法干部培训班等,年收入10万余元。全县各级党委政府全力支持,提供政策、法律、资金、场所、科技等项服务,63个基层武装部办起劳武项目371个,去年提供养武经费190万元。 今年的“一号文件”,就在元旦那天签发下达。全县 Three consecutive documents issued at the county level “No. 1” Just after the New Year’s Day in 1993, nearly a hundred cadres in Beiyang County, Jiangxi Province focused on the county auditorium, each person gets a copy of the county party committee, county government, county People’s Armed Forces jointly issued a “document.” At the meeting, Ni Zhongmin, secretary of the county party committee, said: “To send this ’One Document’ is to give everyone a wake-up call. Do not allow the barrel to be cooled to indifferent the awareness of national defense. Second, we should lift the national defense hardware this year. In the same year, a 1,720-square-meter National Defense Education Building was erected in the prime street. Along with the rise of the building, classrooms, dormitories, canteens and other facilities at the militia training base were also put into operation. Over the past year or so, this building has received over 240,000 student visits and visits to educated cadres and militias. In 1994, the key words of ”No. 1 Document“ of county Party committees, county governments and county armed forces departments are: ”Developing the labor force and strengthening the local economic strength.“ Therefore, the party and government leaders at all levels should give equal attention to the enterprise of relying on labor and the township enterprises and the vast majority of people armed forces, special armed forces and militia cadres do their utmost to set up enterprises that employ workers and workers as support workers. Subsequently, the county labor Wu enterprises to flourish. Only the militia training base run by the pilot training courses, pre-youth training courses, cadres and other political and legal training courses, the annual income of 10 million yuan. The party committees and governments at all levels throughout the county fully supported the provision of policies, laws, funds, places, science and technology and other services. 63 grass-roots armed forces held 371 laborers and armed forces projects and provided 1.9 million yuan of support funds last year. This year’s ”No.1 Document" was issued on New Year’s Day. County
贵州省金沙县人武部继承和发扬人民军队的光荣传统,实践全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,组织民兵投身当地经济建设主战场,为振兴金沙经济作出了贡献。 该县人武部充分发挥民兵特
由四川省委组织部、四川省委宣传部、四川省人事厅和四川省军区政治部4家单位联合举办的、旨在大力宣扬和树立先进典型、促进民兵工作“三落实”、激励各 Organized by the
1994年,法国武器出口订货已连续三年超过政府目标。1994年法国武器出口订货高达500亿法国法郎(合92亿美元),超过了国防部的360亿法 In 1994, French arms export orders ex