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彼得一世税制改革论略赵士国自80年代以来,我国史学界对彼得一世改革的研究兴趣盛而不衰,有鉴于此,笔者拟就彼得一世税制改革的必要性、经过及影响等,略作论述如下。一彼得一世执政时期,俄国经济不发达,国家财政非常困难。扩军备战,修建港口,改善交通,修渠凿河... Since the 1980s, the interest of the Chinese historians in the reform of Peter I has been on the rise. In view of this, I would like to elaborate on the necessity, the passage and the influence of the reform of the tax system of Peter I, as follows. During the period of Peter I, Russia’s economy was underdeveloped and state finances were very difficult. Expand military preparations, build ports, improve traffic, repair channels and heal ...
Established on the Intel Multi-Core Embedded platform, using 802.11 Wireless Network protocols as the communication medium, combining with Radio Frequency-Commu
Turbo code has been shown to have ability to achieve performance that is close to Shannon limit. It has been adopted by various commercial communication systems
The ways for improving on techniques for finding new solvable potentials based on supersymmetry and shape invariance has been discussed by Morales et al. [1] In
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