安东带队慰问消防官兵 陕西开展“零点”行动迎新年

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龙年除夕,2月9日晚,陕西省共调集公安民警1.2万人全力投入“零点夜查”行动,组成430余支治安和消防巡防队伍,对主要街区和重点防控区域实行不间断巡逻。辞旧迎新之时,陕西省委常委、省委政法委书记安东在省政法委副书记、秘书长寇昉,省综治办副主任胡跃宏,省政府党组成员、省长助理、省公安厅党委书记、厅长杜航伟,副厅长张恒,省公安消防总队总队长周详陪同下,代表省委、省政府视察慰问省消防总队,亲切看望西安市公安消防支队自强路中队全体官兵,并检查全省“除火患·保平安”专项整治除夕夜“零点夜查”行动。安东通过全省消防部队调度指挥视频系统慰问了战斗在 On the eve of the Year of the Dragon, on the evening of February 9, Shaanxi Province mobilized a total of 12,000 public security police officers to devote themselves fully to the “zero-night search” operation to form more than 430 police and fire prevention patrol teams, implementing no major districts and key prevention and control areas Intermittent patrol. At the time of greetings and greetings, An Dong, deputy secretary and secretary general of Shaanxi Provincial Politics and Law Committee, member of Standing Committee of Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Politics and Law Committee, Hu Qunhong, deputy director of Provincial Comprehensive Management Office, member of provincial government party group, assistant provincial governor, Party Secretary and Director Du Hangwei and Deputy Director Zhang Heng and the Provincial Public Security Fire Brigade Captain accompanied by a detailed report on behalf of the provincial party committee and provincial government inspected the Confederation Fire Corps and cordially visited the officers and soldiers of the Xi’an Public Security Fire Detachment Ziqiang Road Squadron and checked The province “In addition to fire, security and peace, ” special remediation New Year’s Eve “zero night investigation ” action. Anton condole the battle over the command and dispatch video system of the provincial fire brigade
由江西九江市工会主办、九江市工人文化宫承办、九江市职工摄影协会协办的“中国梦劳动美——建设八里湖 劳动最光荣”摄影展,通过展示工人阶级主力军的形象和风貌,为“中国
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有一个青年人,他对生活的不满和内心的不平衡一直在折磨着他,觉得怀才不遇而又牢骚满腹。夏天,有一次他乘同学敏家的渔船出海,才使他一下子茅塞顿开。 There is a young ma