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通过对不同小麦品种按不同比例混种,研究品种多样性控制小麦条锈病的田间效果,以期为利用品种多样性防治小麦条锈病提供理论依据。本研究利用甘肃省甘谷县和北京市上庄镇当地对条锈病具不同抗性的小麦品种,按照不同混种比例布局了25个混种处理和7个单种处理,比较了品种混种对条锈病的控制效果和对小麦产量的影响,以相对抗病性指数(RRI)把品种抗性加以分类,并以相对混种效果参数(REM)比较各混种处理的效果。结果表明,不同小麦品种混种对小麦条锈病有较好的控制效果,混种处理相对于感病品种单种病情指数平均下降30.5;混种对小麦的增产效果比较明显。在25个小麦品种混种处理中,有14个处理有增产效果(REM>1),占56%,在甘谷试验地抗病(R)品种和高感(HS)品种按质量比5∶1混种时相对感病品种单种处理抗病增产效果最好,而在上庄试验地,高抗(HR)、中感(MS)和感病(S)按质量比1∶1∶1混种时相对感病品种单种处理抗病增产效果最好。品种混种作为综合治理小麦条锈病的措施之一,具有一定的推广应用价值。 In this paper, the field effect of controlling wheat stripe rust with different varieties was studied through different proportion of different wheat varieties, in order to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of wheat stripe rust with variety diversity. In this study, wheat varieties with different resistance to stripe rust were collected from Gangu County, Gansu Province and Shangzhuang Town, Beijing. 25 hybrids and 7 single treatments were arranged according to the proportion of different hybrids. Control effect of rust disease and wheat yield, the resistance was classified by relative disease resistance index (RRI), and the effect of each mixed treatment was compared with the relative mixed effect parameter (REM). The results showed that the mixed wheat varieties had better control effect on stripe rust of wheat, and the average disease index of mixed treatment decreased by 30.5 compared with the single disease index of susceptible cultivars. The yield increase of mixed wheat was more obvious. Among the 25 wheat cultivars, 14 treatments had the effect of increasing yield (REM> 1), accounting for 56% of the total. Among the 25 wheat cultivars tested, the disease resistance (R) In the mixed experiment, the relative susceptible cultivars had the best single disease-resistant and yield-increasing effects, while in Shangzhuang trial, the high resistant (HR), moderate (MS) and susceptible (S) When the relative susceptible varieties of a single disease-resistant and yield the best. Mixed species as a comprehensive management of wheat stripe rust one of the measures, with some promotion and application value.
5.FFT分析仪的使用已经得出结论:对于机械中正在发展的故障,为了获得可能的最早期的报警,需要进行频谱比较,可以尝试使用大多数单通道分析仪的存贮和比较功能。 5. Use of
摘要:自2005年教育部颁布新的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》以来,各地高校陆续在实践层面对高校学生申诉制度进行了一系列有益的尝试。但由于制度本身对于高校学生申诉的法律性质尚不明确,制度存在的问题也在实践中逐渐暴露。要推进制度逐步完善,还有待在申诉受理范围、管辖机构、处理程序以及诉后救济渠道几个方面进行积极探索。  关键词:申诉制度;法律性质;高校学生  作者简介:郑鹏为(1981-),男,山东威海
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