The main reagent, BudR, in live SCE assays can be replaced with homemade IudR. The method is to bury IudR in subcutaneous tissues of animals at 1.25~1.50/kg body weight to allow the animals to naturally absorb them. Wells participate in the synthesis of cellular DNA, and thus show different differential staining of chromosome 2 monomers. At the same time as IudR was ligated, a certain amount of mutagen was injected into the animal, and then the bone marrow cells were taken for production. The chromosome SCE frequency was significantly increased. Methyl methanesulfonate and yellow were detected by this method. Four chemicals, such as Aspergillus B_1, Furazolidone, and Diflubenzuron, all received satisfactory results. Therefore, it is concluded that the application of IudR in living SCE assays is simpler, more economical and feasible, and is a good method for detecting environmental mutagens.