A Deconstructive Reading of Lady Chatterley's Lover

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackfbi
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Lady Chatterley’s Lover is one of D.H. Lawrence’s representative works. It reflects various conflicts and human’s dilemma in modern industrial society. This essay intends to interpret the binary oppositions depicted in the novel, including culture and nature, human and nature, aristocracy and working class, in an attempt to explore Lawrence’s deconstruction of these oppositions. Through binary oppositions in the novel, it can be drawn that the world is in disorder, with disharmonious relationship in the whole society. While through deconstructing these binary oppositions, the best way what Lawrence advocates to deal with such disorders is returning to nature, eliminating hierarchical system and building harmonious relationship between human beings. This manifests various conflicts and human’s dilemma in modern industrial society. This essay intends to interpret the binary oppositions depicted in the novel, including culture and nature, human and nature, aristocracy and working class, in an attempt to explore Lawrence’s deconstruction of these oppositions. Through binary oppositions in the novel, it can be drawn that the world is in disorder, with disharmonious relationship in the whole society. While through deconstructing these binary oppositions, the best way for Lawrence advocates to deal with such disorders is returning to nature, eliminating hierarchical system and building harmonious relationship between human beings.
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