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“九五”已经开始。围绕党和国家“九五”计划和2010年远景目标,国家和地方各级档案部门都已经制定了“九五”计划。它为广大档案工作者描绘出一幅宏伟壮阔的蓝图,令人十分鼓舞。那么,如何把计划变为现实呢?新的形势,为档案事业的发展和“九五”计划的实施,提供了许多有利条件和难得的机遇。但是,我们也不能不承认与此同时,档案部门出现了一些新情况、新问题。主要是:(1)档案事业管理和业务建设领域宽、范围广、要求新、任务重、冲击多、难度大。(2)经费紧缺,短期内不易缓解,成为实现“九五”计划的制约因素。这不仅影响着正常工作的开展,而且会延缓档案管理现代化的进程。(3)正处于新老交替阶段。一批业务骨干相继离岗退休,现职人员素质总体水平下滑,难以适应工作需要。因此,抓紧档案专业人才培养,提高全员素质,不仅是燃眉之急,亦应视如百年大计。(4)服务于经济建设和社会发展,使档案工作面临着越来越多 “Nine five ” has already begun. Around the party’s and the state’s Ninth Five-Year Plan and the 2010 Vision, the archives departments at the national and local levels have formulated the Ninth Five-Year Plan. It is very encouraging for the archivists to draw a magnificent blueprint. So how to make the plan a reality? The new situation has provided many favorable conditions and rare opportunities for the development of the archives and the implementation of the “95” plan. However, we can not but acknowledge that at the same time, some new situations and new problems have emerged in the archives department. Mainly: (1) Archives management and business construction areas wide, wide range, requiring new, heavy tasks, the impact of more difficult. (2) Shortage of funds is not easily mitigated in the short term and has become a constraint on the implementation of the ’95 ’plan. This not only affects the normal work carried out, but also will delay the progress of file management modernization. (3) is in the new stage of replacement. A number of business leaders have retired from office, the overall decline in the quality of existing staff, difficult to adapt to work needs. Therefore, grasping the training of file professionals and improving the quality of all staff members are not only urgent problems, they should also be considered as a century-old plan. (4) Serve the economic construction and social development, make archives work face more and more
三国故事炙治人口,其中关公大意失荆州,似乎已成为历史定论。笔者认为,荆州之失,责不在关公,大意失荆州者,诸葛孔明也。 诸葛亮是智慧的同义词,毕生以谨慎著称。遥想孔明当
(周策纵著 香港中文大学出版社出版 )周策纵先生是大陆红学爱好者熟悉的学者。 2 0世纪 80年代初始 ,在他的积极推动下 ,在美国威斯康辛大学梦多湖畔举办了一次红学盛会 ,在
从目前乡镇及乡镇职能部门的档案工作来看,有许多问题亟待解决。如有些职能部门的档案收集不齐全,分类不科学,组卷 Judging from the archives work of the township and t
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