推进教育创新 争创示范高中

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通河县第一中学始建于一九四六年,是一所有五十多年校龄的老学校,为上级学校及当地建设培养了大批人才。几年来,学校全面贯彻教育方针,以德育为统帅,以教学为中心,以教育改革为动力,以素质教育为重点,以提高办学的综合水平、全面推进教育创新为目标,使通河一中的发展登上一个新的台阶。结合学校实际,我们确立了“学教和谐因人施教,发展个性提高素质,盯住名牌追求卓越,科研兴校办出特色”的办学理念。明确了“办一流学校,建一流队伍,育一流人才,创一流环境”的办学目标。为适应教育不断发展的现实,我校确定了“抢抓机遇,加快发展,争创示范高中”的发展思路。 Tonghe County No.1 Middle School was founded in 1946. It is an old school that is more than 50 years old. It has trained a large number of talents for higher schools and local construction. Over the past few years, the school has fully implemented the education policy, with moral education as the commander, teaching as the center, education reform as the driving force, and quality education as the key points, with the goal of improving the comprehensive level of education and comprehensively promoting educational innovation, and making Tonghe No. 1 China The development reached a new level. Combining with the actual conditions of the school, we have established the school-running philosophy of “learning and teaching harmony for teaching people, developing individuality and improving quality, pursuing brand-name pursuit of excellence, and scientific research cultivating characteristics.” We have clearly defined the objectives of running a first-class school, building a first-rate team, educating first-rate talent, and creating a first-class environment. In order to meet the reality of the continuous development of education, our school has determined the development strategy of “grasping opportunities, accelerating development, and striving for a model high school”.
这儿的几篇文章,分别写到春、夏、秋,也写出了各自的伤感、喜悦、留恋……古人常因时令的变迁而百感交集,林黛玉也因花谢而流泪。这些都是写好作文必须具有的感悟。 Here ar
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。巢湖市黄山中学剪影 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Chaohu City
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