Application of Rare Earths in Thermal Barrier Coating Materials

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huimin0609
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Rare earths are a series of minerals with special properties that make them essential for applications including miniaturized electronics, computer hard disks, display panels, missile guidance, pollution controlling catalysts, H2-storage and other advanced materials. The use of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) has the potential to extend the working temperature and the life of a gas turbine by providing a layer of thermal insulation between the metallic substrate and the hot gas. Yttria (Y2O3), as one of the most important rare earth oxides, has already been used in the typical TBC material YSZ (yttria stabilized zirconia). In the development of the TBC materials, especially in the latest ten years, rare earths have been found to be more and more important. All the new candidates of TBC materials contain a large quantity of rare earths, such as R2Zr2O7 (R=La, Ce, Nd, Gd), CeO2-YSZ, RMeAl11O19 (R=La, Nd; Me=Mg, Ca, Sr) and LaPO4. The concept of double-ceramic-layer coatings based on the rare earth materials and YSZ is effective for the improvement of the thermal shock life of TBCs at high temperature. Rare earths are a series of minerals with special properties that make them essential for applications including miniaturized electronics, computer hard disks, display panels, missile guidance, pollution controlling catalysts, H2-storage and other advanced materials. The use of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs ) has the potential to extend the working temperature and the life of a gas turbine by providing a layer of thermal insulation between the metallic substrate and the hot gas. Yttria (Y2O3), as one of the most important rare earth oxides, has already been In the development of the TBC materials, especially in the latest ten years, rare earths have been found to be more and more important. All the new candidates of TBC materials contain a large quantity of rare earths such as R2Zr2O7 (R = La, Ce, Nd, Gd), CeO2-YSZ, RMeAl11O19 (R = La, Nd; Me = Mg, Ca, Sr) and LaPO4. The concept of double-ceramic- layer coatings based on the rare earth materials and YSZ is effective for the improvement of the thermal shock life of TBCs at high temperature.
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