
来源 :新疆水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuning2007
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塔里木河是我国最长的内陆河,由于长期缺乏治理,其生态恶化问题已引起国家和新疆自治区的高度重视。塔里木河流域是国家西部大开发中新疆生态环境治理的重点,国家将加大对塔里木河治理的投入。塔里木河有相当长的河段在汛期存在洪水漫溢情况,堤防工程将被作为一项主要工程措施布置在这些河段,堤防工程究竟对河道和两岸生态有何影响,是国内外诸多专家关注并向我们提出的技术问题,本文根据现掌握的塔里木河有关资料进行了研究,所得结论可供参考。 Tarim River is the longest inland river in our country. Due to its long-term lack of governance, the issue of ecological deterioration has drawn great attention from the country and Xinjiang Autonomous Region. The Tarim River Basin is the focus of ecological and environmental management in Xinjiang in the great western development and the state will increase its investment in the management of the Tarim River. There is a flood in the flood season due to the considerable length of the Tarim River. The embankment project will be arranged as a major engineering measure in these river sections. What is the impact of the embankment project on the river course and the ecology of the two sides of the strait? The technical problems raised to us are studied in this paper based on the relevant data of the Tarim River now available, and the conclusions drawn for reference.
number 1On tha theories of course system construction in Engineering Management ............................... Zhang Fu-chang, Liu Ya-chen(1)The research of se
hepurposeofthisarticleistoexaminethesocialcapitalofacompanyanditssignificanceineconomicperformance .WiththeChineseeconomyinmind,w hepurposeofthisarticleistoexaminethesocialcapitalofacompanyanditssignificanceineconomicperformance.WiththeChineseeconomyinmi
第五届国际辞赋学学术研讨会于2001年11月17日在福建省漳州师范学院国际学术交流中心召开,会期 4天,应邀到会的海内外学者 65人,其中海外学者 13人。会议重点讨论了辞赋与文化、辞赋作家作品
历史 文献辽代的部族制度〔日〕岛田正郎 翻译何天明 (1.1;2 .1;3.1)…………………………………关于蒙古王公提议成立“蒙古殖业银行股份有限公司”一案的有关档案资料优
一等奖(16项)1.《迈向21世纪的重庆开放经济》(专著) 伍源德王崇举温汝俊李勇张述林2.《新重庆的崛起与中国中西部经济的发展》(专著) 罗晓梅陈纯柱余凡何关银杨选成3.《禁毒
C1 社会科学现状,概况首届国家社会科学基金项目优秀成果评奖成果简介/全国哲学社会科学规划办公室编.-北京:中国社会科学出版社,2000.09.-1147页;20cm.-ISBN 7-5004-2815-4
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