
来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshixiaomei110
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1975年高中毕业的王涛,招工进入中国第二汽车制造厂总装配厂(现东风汽车有限公司商用车总装配厂)工作,31年来,始终工作在汽车生产的第一线。1955年10月22日出生于山东省淄博市一个农民家庭。曾多次获得国家、部、省、市级荣誉称号。1998年,被中宣部作为全国重大典型隆重推出,面向全国进行了大张旗鼓的宣传。同年被中华全国总工会评为“全国十大杰出工人”“、全国职工职业道德十佳标兵”。2000年,被国务院授予“全国劳动模范”称号,并三次受到江泽民等党和国家领导人接见。2004年被评为全国劳动模范。现为东风汽车有限公司商用车总装配厂汽车调整工。 Wang Tao, who graduated from high school in 1975, recruited workers to work in the assembly plant of the second automobile factory in China (now the assembly plant for commercial vehicles in Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd.). For 31 years, Wang Tao has always been working in the front line of automobile production. October 22, 1955 was born in Zibo City, Shandong Province, a peasant family. Have repeatedly won the national, ministerial, provincial and municipal honorary titles. In 1998, it was grandly launched by the Central Propaganda Department as a grand example of the whole country and its propaganda was carried out with great fanfare throughout the country. In the same year by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions as “the country's top ten outstanding workers,” “national staff of the top ten professional ethics.” In 2000, he was awarded the title of “Model Worker of the Whole Country” by the State Council and was interviewed by party and state leaders such as Jiang Zemin for three times. In 2004 was named the national model worker. Now Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd. commercial vehicle assembly plant car adjustment workers.
Problems in modeling of sub-mini aerial vehicles(SMAV) are discussed in this paper. Contraposing properties of SMAV, various factors affecting dynamic performan
2004年9月10日 ,由一汽集团与美国伊顿公司合资组建的一汽伊顿变速箱有限公司在原变速箱分公司门前正式揭牌。吉林省省长助理徐建一,长春市副市长张安顺,一汽集团总经理竺延
四年制本科/二年制文凭招生主修专业:中国舞,芭蕾舞,现代舞新加坡2017年2月12日时间:正午12时至下午4时(请於上午11时正到达登记)地点:Singapore Dance Theatre Ltd201 Victo
眼内异物所致的损伤常常是比较严重的眼外伤,因此,及时而准确地将眼内异物摘出是十分重要的.而摘出异物的关键是异物的定位。我科自1989年10月以来,采用角膜缘键环 X线摄片定位法(以下简
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