
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rust123
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由于古典诗歌距离学生时代久远,与学生的生活、经历相差很大,学生对此比较陌生,加上传统教学,一些老师采用“字字解释、句句翻译”八字真经教学法,大大破坏了诗歌的美,使一篇篇充满灵性的古典诗歌变得索然寡味,毫无生机,因而一些学生对古典诗歌不免敬而远之。因此要调动学生学习古典诗歌的积极性,在“熟读精思”的基础上,教师要采取一些行之有效的方法,使教师 Because classical poetry is far away from the students’ age and differs greatly from the life and experience of students, students are rather unfamiliar with this. With the traditional teaching, some teachers adopt the method of “character interpretation” Destroys the beauty of poetry, so that a verse of classical poetry full of spirituality become dull, lifeless, so some students can not help but respect the classical poetry. Therefore, to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to learn classical poetry, based on “proficiency in reading”, teachers should take some effective methods to make teachers
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