Modeling and analysis of software rejuvenation ondispatcher-based web server farms

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sfsfsfsdfsdfsdfsd
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Software rejuvenation is a recently proposed practive fault-tolerance approach to counteract software-aging phenomenon. Compared with clusters of a flat architecture, all the nodes share the same functions. The application of software rejuvenation on dispatcher-based web server farms is discussed, which employ rejuvenation both on the dispatcher and the worker pool. Stochastic reward net (SRN)models for time-based and prediction-based rejuvenation policies are constructed respectively and solved by stochastic Petri net package (SPNP). Numerical results show that appropriate rejuvenation strategies on the dispatcher and the worker pool could significantly reduce the expected downtime cost of the whole web server farm. Compared with clusters of a flat architecture, all the nodes share the same functions. The application of software rejuvenation on dispatcher-based web server farms is discussed, which employ rejuvenation both on the dispatcher and the worker pool. Stochastic reward net (SRN) models for time-based and prediction-based rejuvenation policies are constructed and solved by stochastic Petri net package (SPNP). Numerical results show that appropriate rejuvenation strategies on the dispatcher and the worker pool could significantly reduce the expected downtime cost of the whole web server farm.
一、便秘诊治流程提出的背景便秘主要是指粪便干结、排便困难或不尽感以及排便次数减少等,是一种由多种病因引起的常见病症,其病因包括胃肠道疾病、累及消化道的系统 First,
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目的 探讨自身免疫性肝炎 (AIH)的临床病理特征及发病机理。方法 对 2 6例治疗前AIH患者的血清和穿刺肝组织进行血清学、病理学及临床观察分析 ,并采用IAIHG(1999年 )标准
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