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以下是2005年高考辽宁卷中的一道文字题(第24题)。阅读下面一则寓言,用一个精练而深刻的语句总结其寓意。(不超过10个字) 螃蟹妈妈对儿子说:“我的孩子,你别再横爬了,直爬多好看啊!”小螃蟹回答说:“好妈妈,一点儿不假。如果你教我直爬,我一定能学着做。”螃蟹妈妈用了各种方法尝试直爬都不行,于是她才明白起初那样要求孩子有多愚蠢。考题提供的答案是:身教胜于言教。乍读觉得答案跟寓言不相关连,细想也觉得两不相干。“身教胜于言教”是怎么“总结”寓言的?——调侃一点说是“百思不得其解”,客观一点说,实在是“义不对言”,真不能把“寓意”跟“寓言”对接起来。什么是“身教胜于言教”?上网查一下, 发现网上有如下形象性的解说: The following is a text in the 2005 college entrance examination in Liaoning (question 24). Read the following parable and summarize its implications with a concise and profound statement. (No more than 10 words) The mother of crab said to her son, “My child, you don’t climb anymore, climb straight and look good!” The little crab replied, “Good mother, not false at all. If you teach me When I climb straight, I can learn to do it.” The crab mother used all sorts of methods to try to climb straight, so she realized how stupid it was to ask her to be as a child. The answers provided by the questions are: Physical education is better than words. When reading, I feel that the answer is not related to the parable. Thinking about it also feels irrelevant. How does ”student education speak louder than words“ mean ”summarizing“ the allegory? - It means ”stucky“ and it is objective to say that it is ”righteous words“ and it is impossible to ”implication“ and ”fable“. Docking. What is ”self-education is better than words and phrases?" Check the Internet and find that there are the following visual explanations on the Internet:
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