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为了推进热处理行业企业的质量管理水平、通过质量认证、广泛应用热处理新技术、普遍更新、改善热处理工艺装备、加强质量保证能力,缩短与国外差距、开拓国内市场、增加企业经济效益,中国热协定于2001年8月22~24日在江苏省大丰市召开《’2001热处理行业厂长经理会议暨第2次质量工作会议》,大会主题 In order to promote the quality management level of the heat treatment industry enterprises, through quality certification, extensive application of new heat treatment technology, general update, improve heat treatment process equipment, strengthen quality assurance capabilities, shorten the gap with foreign countries, develop the domestic market and increase economic efficiency of enterprises, China Thermal Agreement In 2001 August 22 ~ 24 in Dafeng City, Jiangsu Province, “2001 Heat Treatment Industry Manager Meeting and the second quality work conference”, the theme of the conference
The following analysis on China’s aluminiumconsumption is made by Wu xiuming,vice pre-sident of China Nonferrous Metals FabricatingIndustry Association.By the
新世纪伊始 ,武钢产品在国内十余项重点工程中屡屡中标。这得益于武钢今年着力实施精品名牌战略 ,把产品开发、品种结构优化和抢占重大工程用钢市场有机结合起来 ,大大地扩大
Louis Chu is a pioneer of the Asian American literature whose only novel,Eat A Bowl of Tea has taken an important position in and has even been reagrded as a li
By the end of this year or early next year,pro-duction capacity at Jilin Aluminium Co.willreach 55,000 tons per year,according to an in-dustry report.At presen
4.The key tasksThe key tasks for the development of China’snonferrous metals industry include further re-form of the enterprises,speeding up of thestructure a
The following comments are made byZhaowuzhuang,a senior industry analyst ofChina Nonferrous Metals Industry InformationCenter,which is a subsidiary of China No
The expansion project at Tongling NonferrousMetals Group Co.will help boost its copperproduction capacity to 310,000 tons,accordingto an industry report.The wh