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哈尔科夫铁道运输工程学院设计了一种装于4045型叉车上的取料机,用于长件货物的装卸。取料机的结构如图_所示,其组成如下:伸长件1的一端与叉车托架相连,另一端装着带油缸8的可转动的支承组件2,组件2通过心轴3与伸缩臂连接,伸缩臂由基本杆件4、伸出杆5和油缸7构成,伸出杆5用油缸7控制并装有取物钩6。工作液从汽车式装卸机的液压系统通到油缸7和油缸8。 Kharkov Railway Engineering Institute designed a pick-up machine mounted on a 4045 forklift truck for loading and unloading long pieces of cargo. The structure of the reclaimer is as shown in the following. The composition of the reclaimer is as follows: one end of the extension piece 1 is connected with the forklift bracket and the other end is provided with a rotatable support assembly 2 with a cylinder 8; the assembly 2 is connected with a telescopic arm Connected to the telescopic arm by the basic member 4, extending rod 5 and the composition of the cylinder 7, the rod 5 is controlled by the cylinder 7 and equipped with a pickup hook 6. The working fluid passes from the hydraulic system of the car loader to cylinder 7 and cylinder 8.
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寒假前夕,学校开通了亲情电话,规定凡是“留守儿童”都可以免费打一个长途电话,给在外打工且不能回家过年的爸爸妈妈。 On the eve of the winter vacation, the school ope
1.词汇短语复习1. Is there ______ for me in the car?A. a room B. one room C. room D. rooms2. Do you know who ______ America in 1492?A. discovered B. invented C.