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良好的心情对健康的积极作用是任何药物都无法代替的,而恶劣的心情对健康的危害就如同病原体。其实,日常生活中无论是谁,只要做到以下几点,就都能拥有一份好心情。 对自己的期望值不要太高。有些老年人对自己期望值过高,使自己根本无法实现,以致认为自己无多大本事,情绪低落;有的老人做事要求尽善尽美,往往因些日常生活中的小事而怨天尤人。如果这些老年人把目标定在自己力所能及的范围内,不仅易于实现,而且心理也容易满足。 干自己的事别寄希望于别人。很多人喜欢把自己的希望寄托在别人身上,要求别人能迎合自己。其实,这既不现实又不合理,其结果多是自寻烦恼。 助人为乐。多帮助别人做些事,使自己 The positive effect of a good mood on the health of any drug can not be replaced, and the bad health hazards as the pathogen. In fact, no matter who in daily life, as long as the following points, you can have a good mood. Do not expect too much from yourself. Some seniors are over expecting themselves so that they can not realize themselves. They think they have less skill and depression. Some elderly people require perfection and they often blame others for their daily life. If these elderly people set their goals within their reach, they are not only easy to achieve, but also mentally easy to meet. Do your own thing Do not pin their hopes on others. Many people like to put their hopes on others, asking others to cater to themselves. In fact, this is neither realistic nor reasonable. Most of the results are troublesome. Be helpful. Help others to do more to make themselves
本电路为可产生电话振铃声的附加电路,用于内部通信联系系统中没有振铃功能的电话机中,或一些玩具电路。从乐器产生断续音的 This circuit is an additional circuit that
南京有个人然居士,人很年轻,悟性很高,画境很好。我们相识在山西的五台山,他是那年冬天来“进修”的惟一的居士。 我记得当时天气很冷,五台山本就是清凉之地,冬季就更冷。一
晕倒 千万不可随意搬动,应首先观察其心跳和呼吸是否异常。如发现心跳、呼吸正常,可轻拍患者并大声呼唤使其苏醒。如无反应则说明情况比较复杂,应使患者头偏向一侧并稍放低,