Simultaneous Determination of Six Active Components of Smilacis Glabrae Rhizome by UPLC-DAD

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[Objectives] To determine the content of neoastilbin,astilbin,neoisoastilbin,isoastilbin,engeletin,and resveratrol in Smilacis glabrae rhizome. [Methods] The ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography method with diode array detection( UPLC-DAD) was developed. Analysis conditions as follows: waters Acquity UHPLC HT3 C18 chromatographic column( 2.1 × 100 mm),column temperature 30 ℃,mobile phase acetonitrile( A)-0.1% phosphoric acid( B) gradient elution,flow rate 0.2 mL/min,and detection wavelength 327 nm. [Results]Results indicated that the content of astilbin,neoastilbin,isoastilbin,neoisoastilbin,engeletin,and resveratrol in 10 samples of Smilacis glabrae rhizome was 1.313-6.1755 mg,0.013-3.699 mg,0.146-0.975 mg,0.137-0.7 mg,0.147-0.797 mg,0.077-0.112 mg,respectively. [Conclusions]This method is high efficient,convenient and accurate,and can be used as the method for quality control of Smilacis glabrae rhizome. [Objectives] To determine the content of neoastilbin, astilbin, neoisoastilbin, isoastilbin, engeletin, and resveratrol in Smilacis glabrae rhizome. [Methods] The ultra- high-performance liquid chromatography method with diode array detection (UPLC- DAD) was developed. conditions as follows: waters Acquity UHPLC HT3 C18 chromatographic column (2.1 × 100 mm), column temperature 30 ° C, mobile phase acetonitrile (A) -0.1% phosphoric acid (B) gradient elution, flow rate 0.2 mL / min, 327 nm. [Results] Results indicated that the content of astilbin, neoastilbin, isoastilbin, neoisoastilbin, engeletin, and resveratrol in 10 samples of Smilacis glabrae rhizome was 1.313-6.1755 mg, 0.013-3.699 mg, 0.146-0.975 mg, 0.137-0.7 mg, 0.147-0.797 mg, 0.077-0.112 mg, respectively. [Conclusions] This method is high efficient, convenient and accurate, and can be used as the method for quality control of Smilacis glabrae rhizome.
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