新农药大田药效试验基地是新农药工业化生产前进行大田药效试验和使用条件研究的基地,对农药新品种、新剂型的田间实际使用效果、有效使用范围、不良副作用等作出评价。为主管部门作新农药工业化投产和推广使用的决策提供基本数据。 基地建设是农牧渔业部主持、中国农科院植保所承担的国家计委工业性试验项目。根据1984年国家计委批准的第一期建设设计任务书,在嘉兴(长江下游稻麦轮作区)、广州(华南稻作区)、新乡(粮棉旱作区),北京(蔬菜区)和昌平(果树区)设5个试验站。另在中国农科院植保所内设中心实验室,
The new pesticide field efficacy test base is a base for the field trials and conditions of field trials of new pesticides before industrialized production. The actual use effects, effective use range and adverse side effects of new pesticide varieties and new dosage forms are evaluated. Provide the basic data for the competent department to make decisions about the industrialization of new pesticides and their promotion and use. The construction of the base is under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries and the State Planning Commission industrial experiment project undertaken by the Plant Protection Office of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. According to the first-phase construction design task book approved by the State Development Planning Commission in 1984, the project was started in Jiaxing (rice-wheat rotation area in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River), Guangzhou (southern China rice area), Xinxiang (grain and cotton farming areas), Beijing (vegetable area) Changping (fruit tree area) set up five test stations. Another Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Plant Protection Center Laboratory,