
来源 :贵州政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godwin_z
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各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 在1998年度的退伍军人接收安置工作中,中央驻省有关部门和省直有关部门认真贯彻执行国务院、中央军委和省人民政府、省军区的有关文件精神,从国家经济建设、国防建设和维护社会稳定的大局出发,把接收安置退伍军人工作作为一项重要的政治任务来抓,圆满地完成了省人民政府下达的接收安置任务。为表彰先进,树立典型,进一步做好全省退伍军人接收安置工作,省人民政府决定,对在1998年度超额和按计划完成接收安置任务、成绩突出的贵阳铁路分局、省邮电管理局、省冶金厅、省电力局、省化工厅、中国有色金属工业贵阳公司、贵州航空工业总公司、中 All autonomous prefectures and municipal people's governments, administrative offices of all regions, people's governments of all counties (autonomous counties, cities, municipal districts and special administrative regions) and departments directly under the provincial government: In 1998, the veterans in the receiving and resettlement work were Departments and departments directly under the provincial government have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the relevant documents of the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the provincial people's government and the provincial military region. Taking the overall interests of national economic construction, national defense and social stability as their priorities, accepting the placement of veterans as an important task Of the political task to grasp, successfully completed the provincial people's government issued the reception and resettlement tasks. For the recognition of advanced and establish a typical, to further do a good job of the province's veterans to receive the resettlement work, the provincial people's government decided to 1998 over and planned to complete the task of receiving the resettlement, outstanding achievements Guiyang Railway Branch, the provincial post and Telecommunications Administration, the provincial metallurgy Office, Provincial Electric Power Bureau, Provincial Department of Chemical Industry, China Nonferrous Metals Industry Guiyang Company, Guizhou Aviation Industry Corporation, 中
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美国的一个绝密情报机构——国家安全局,尽管几十年来一直秘而不宣,就连大多数美国人对它也一无所知,但最近终于站到摄像机前,开始向美国观众讲述它过去的故事…… Although
修改后的我国《刑事诉讼法》所展现的庭审方式客观上需要证人出庭作为配套措施。然而,在司法实践中,有99%的证人不出庭作证, “庭审无证人”几乎是各级法院开庭时的常态,已成