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就在众楼盘紧张备战“10·1”黄金周销售战役同时,记者从位处荔湾区大坦沙岛上的珠岛花园获悉,该盘“10·1”期间劲推五期地下室带产权车位,目前市场预订十分火爆,迄今已售出约四成。此次珠岛花园推出的五期地下车库占地达1.2万平方米,规划车位约280个,现地下室工程已基本完工,预计10月份交付使用。发展商广州鹏达集团对该次推出的五期地下车位销售前景充满信心,据介绍,这是该园1995年建园以来规模最大的地下车库,针对该园总销售率九成以上、入住率逾成成、园区现有月保车350余台、路面停车日趋紧张等现状,此次推出的五期地下车位尚不能完全满足现有车辆停放,更遑论众多潜在购车一族;同时,此次推出的地下车库空间布局十分理想,净高4.5米,平均面积达20平方米,拟建全程智能化系统,包括红外线监控、刷卡入库、电子缴费等。更为重要的是,此次车位售价定在8~10万元之间,较周边地区15万元/个的车位价格,无疑是极具吸引力的。 At the same time, the reporter learned from the Pearl Island Garden in Datansha Island, Liwan District, the reporter noted that during the “10 · 1” period, Basement with ownership parking spaces, the current market is very hot book, so far sold about 40%. The Pearl Garden introduced five underground garage covers an area of ​​12,000 square meters, planning about 280 parking spaces, the basement project is now basically completed, is expected to be delivered in October. Developers Guangzhou Pengda Group on the launch of the five underground parking spaces full of confidence in the sales prospects, according to reports, this is the park since the park in 1995 the largest underground garage for the park total sales rate of more than 90%, occupancy rate More than completed, the park has more than 350 monthly insurance car platform, the increasingly tense parking and other status quo, the launch of the five underground parking spaces can not fully meet the existing vehicles parked, let alone many potential car owners; the same time, the launch The layout of the underground garage space is very ideal, a net height of 4.5 meters, an average area of ​​20 square meters, the proposed full intelligent system, including infrared monitoring, credit card storage, electronic payment. More importantly, the price of the parking space is set at 80,000 to 100,000 yuan, which is obviously more attractive than the price of 150,000 yuan per car in the surrounding area.
通过对南召县丰产苹果树叶片主要营养元素的分析,初步提出伏牛山南部地区苹果叶片主要营养元素含量的适宜范围:N为20.0~26.1g/kg,P为2.0~4.6g/kg,K为7.4~11.5g/kg。 Based on the analysis of the main nutrient element