
来源 :中学课程辅导(八年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leonzhou
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听力记录有套路放听力前,会有试音时间。试音前半段放音乐时,应快速浏览试卷,看各题选项。试音后半段时,会读一道对话类例题。此时停止阅读试卷,应仔细听例题,尽快适应音量、语速。听力题分三部分,前两部分只听一遍。这类题如无法做出判断,应快速放弃,避免影响后面答题。第三部分一般为大段对话和独白。做这类题时,只 There will be an audition time before hearing records have routines for hearing. When playing music in the first half of the audition, you should quickly browse the test paper to see the options. In the second half of the audition, you will read a dialogue class example. At this time stop reading the test paper, you should listen carefully to the example and adjust to the volume and speed as soon as possible. The listening question is divided into three parts. The first two parts are only heard once. If such questions cannot be judged, they should be given up quickly to avoid affecting the subsequent questions. The third part is generally a large section of dialogue and monologue. When doing this type of question, only
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How much is this T-shirt?这T-恤衫多少钱? How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?【点拨】how much用来询问商品的价格,句中的be动词与主语要保持一致。回答时常用“It
全家福照片(photo)我看(see)过,朋友(friend)都说很(very much)不错。祖父(grandfather)、祖母(grandmother)前排坐,怀中抱着堂兄(cousin)还有我。祖父母(grandparents)身后
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