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一、面试的误区绝大部分用人单位,在其人员的招聘录用工作中,都要借助于面试来完成。而作为踏上社会的毕业生,要顺利地走进合适的用人单位这个婆家,自然要过好面试这一关。在实际生活中,毕业生在面试的关口,常常会撞上一些误区。下面结合实践进行剖析,以便帮助毕业生提高面试成功率。 1、证件愈多愈好。证件是一个人理论知识、操作水平的一种权威鉴定,有很强的说服力和参考价值。而许多毕业生只在意这些硬件的官方价值,忽略了用人单位的需求。在面试桌上,呈上精美的自荐材料,然后一古脑地摆出各种各样的等级证、资格证,甚至荣誉证。孰不知,这很大程度上会引起考官的警惕怀疑心,这样什么都会的人才,到底哪样精?会为单位服务多 First, the misunderstanding of the interview Most employers, recruitment and hiring of their staff, we must use the interview to complete. As graduates embarking on the community, it is necessary to successfully enter the appropriate employer, the husband’s family, naturally have a good interview this off. In real life, graduates at the interview pass, often hit some errors. The following combination of practice analysis, in order to help graduates to improve the interview success rate. 1, the more the better the certificate. Document is a person’s theoretical knowledge, the operation of a level of authority identification, there is a strong convincing and reference value. Many graduates only care about the official value of these hardware, ignoring the employer’s needs. At the interview table, was presented on the exquisite materials, and then put all sorts of grading certificates, certificates, and even honor certificate. Everyone knows, this will largely arouse the vigilance of the examiner suspicion heart, so what kind of talent, in the end what kind of fine? Will serve more units
据韩联社2015年3月24日报道,韩国军方计划下半年在南北韩边境地区部署名为Chun Mu的新型多管火箭系统(MLRS)。Cheonmu火箭炮系统从2015年起部署在靠近有争议的西海边界地区。
目的 探讨诺氟沙星联合颠茄酊治疗急性胃肠炎的临床疗效.方法 将我院2010年6月至2012年10月间收治的84例急性胃肠炎患者随机分为单纯诺氟沙星治疗组(对照组)和诺氟沙星联合颠
As an army main battle equipment, it is required that the tank should have high firing accuracy and high first round hit probability during marching. The initia