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目的调查北京地区公司职员无偿献血认知情况,分析公司职员对献血的认知度和参与度,为促进献血招募和社会参与提供思路。方法根据知信行理论自行设计《公司职员无偿献血知识调查表》,2013年8月至2014年9月采取无记名方式随机调查北京地区10家大型公司3 000名职员,并整理出2 521份内容完整调查表。内容包括基本情况、对无偿献血的认识、献血参与度和获得献血信息的途径等方面。结果被调查公司职员中的献血人数占41.9%(1 056/2 521)。献血者与未献血者之间比较性别、年龄、受教育程度差异有统计学意义(P均<0.01),不同民族间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对献血相关知晓率较高的见于可以免费用血(67.5%)、奉献社会(78.9%)、有益健康(67.5%)等方面,但有76.7%(1 933/2 521)职员不了解“献血不会传染疾病”。公司职员中支持无偿献血的占77.4%,被调查人群中献血一次占32.6%,献血两次及以上的仅占9.3%。公司职员了解献血知识的途径主要是电视和广播,从网络获得的知识占10.9%。结论公司职员对无偿献血认知不平衡,应针对不同的献血意识和需求细分宣传方式,改进招募策略,努力建立长效的无偿献血机制。 Objective To investigate the cognition of unpaid blood donation of company employees in Beijing and to analyze the awareness and participation of the staff of the company on blood donation so as to provide ideas for promoting blood donation recruitment and social participation. Methods According to the theory of Zhixinxing, a questionnaire of knowledge about unpaid blood donation of employees was designed by ourselves. From August 2013 to September 2014, 3 000 staff members from 10 large companies in Beijing were investigated randomly by secret mail, and 2 521 complete contents were sorted out Questionnaire. Including the basic situation, awareness of blood donation, participation in blood donation and access to blood donation information and other aspects. Results The number of blood donors in the surveyed companies accounted for 41.9% (1 056/2 521). There was significant difference in gender, age and educational attainment between blood donors and non-blood donors (all P <0.01). There was no significant difference among different ethnic groups (P> 0.05). There were 76.7% (1 933/2 521) of the staff members who did not know about blood donation (67.5%), contributing to the community (78.9%), good health (67.5% Blood donation will not spread the disease ". 77.4% of the employees support unpaid blood donations, 32.6% of the respondents donated blood once, and only 9.3% of those who donated blood twice or more. The company’s staff understand the blood donation is mainly through television and radio, knowledge gained from the network accounted for 10.9%. Conclusions The staff of the Company have an unbalanced understanding of unpaid blood donation. Aiming at different blood donation awareness and needs, the publicity methods should be subdivided, the recruitment strategies should be improved, and a long-term unpaid blood donation mechanism should be established.
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