
来源 :拉丁美洲研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch007
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举世闻名的伊泰普水电站位于巴西与巴拉圭之间的界河——巴拉那河上,该水电站的建设始于1975年,耗时16年完工,是当时世界上第一大水电站。伊泰普水电站由巴西与巴拉圭两国共建、共享、共管,为两国带来了巨大的经济和社会效益:水电站建设本身带动了两国尤其是巴拉圭的经济发展;电力生产能够满足巴拉圭绝大部分用电需求和巴西20%以上的用电需求;水电站兼具防洪、航运、灌溉、渔业、旅游及生态改善等综合效益,促进了附近地区新兴城市的发展和两国科技能力的提升。伊泰普水电站之所以能够成功建成并发挥良好的经济社会效益,主要在于两国能够捐弃历史积怨,直面现实与未来;在开发协议中规定了平等互利的条款;在水电站建设初期和投入运营之后,两国领导人都能够妥善处理双边争议,不断化解矛盾和危机。同时,伊泰普建设者热心传播技术和经验,帮助中国三峡工程的建设。伊泰普水电站的建设和运行中体现出积极的国际合作精神,非常值得后人学习和发扬光大。 The world-famous Itaipu Hydropower Station is located on the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay. The construction of the hydropower station started in 1975 and took 16 years to complete. It was the world’s largest hydropower station at that time. The construction, sharing and co-management of Brazil and Paraguay bring great economic and social benefits to both countries. The hydropower station itself has brought about the economic development of both countries, especially Paraguay. The power generation can meet the needs of Paraguay Most of the electricity demand and the electricity demand of more than 20% in Brazil. The hydropower station has the comprehensive benefits of flood control, shipping, irrigation, fishery, tourism and ecological improvement, which promote the development of emerging cities in the vicinity and the improvement of science and technology capability in both countries. The reason why Itaipu Hydropower Station has successfully completed and exerted good economic and social benefits lies mainly in the fact that the two countries can donate historical grievances and face the reality and the future. They have stipulated the terms of equality and mutual benefit in the development agreement. After the hydropower station was constructed and put into operation Both leaders are able to properly handle bilateral disputes and constantly resolve conflicts and crises. At the same time, Itaipu builders enthusiastically disseminated technologies and experiences to help build the Three Gorges Project in China. The construction and operation of Itaipu Hydropower Station embodies a positive spirit of international cooperation and is worth studying and developing.
塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地部分垄间地表发育了一种由众多沙粒胶结而成的大颗粒物质,称为沙粒胶结体(sand cemented bodies,缩写为SCB),其直径达到粗沙级、极粗沙级和砾石级。为了研