In response to the manifesto of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea published on November 4 by the All-China Federation of Natural Science Societies (CKL) and the All-China Association of Science and Technology Popularization (Popular Science), the scientific community in Nanjing also issued a declaration on November 18 that all Natural science workers in Nanjing fully agree with and accept the call of the All-China Science General Assembly. In this declaration, they unanimously expressed their determination to contribute all forces to support North Korea and inflame the emperor in order to defend our great new motherland. Signatures on this declaration are: Nanda, Jinda, Jinling Women’s and Arts Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Scientific Instrument Factory, Cable Factory, Ordnance Factory, East China Institute of Agricultural Science, Nanjing Serum Factory, School of Pharmacy, Midwifery, Red Cross clinics and other science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, sixty-five units of scientists of 847 people. (Ning Xinhua Daily)