
来源 :邮电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:showfeeling
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我局从1985年8月实行局长负责制以来,在理顺党政工三者关系的同时,深化企业改革,着重抓了以下工作: 一、更新观念,确立局长在企业的中心地位。一年来,我们通过学习中共中央、国务院颁发的三个“条例”,总结经验,着重从三个方面更新观念。一是克服“支部包办”旧习,明确局长是企业的法人代表。局长对国家、企业和职工个人负责,受国家法律的约束。支部转向做好思想政治工作,发挥保证监督作用。二是破除“集体负责”束缚,明确局长行使全面决策权。过去事事“集体研究”,议而不决,误时误事。三个“条例”明确规定局长行使全面决策权,建立管委会,健全了局长决策程序制度。三是克服“行政依赖”作风,明确局长实施独立指挥权。过去下级依赖上级,局长依赖书记。现在分工明确,各负其责,局长能大胆地、独立自主地实施生产指挥职权;并调整了股室,实行了班组长和支局长任期目标制,层层落实任期目标。 Since the implementation of the director’s accountability system in August 1985, our bureau has streamlined the reform of the three parties while at the same time straightening out the relationship among the party, government and workers. We have focused our efforts on the following tasks: 1. Updating concepts and establishing the director’s position at the center of the enterprise. In the past year, by studying the three “Regulations” promulgated by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we summed up our experience and focused on updating our ideas in three aspects. First, to overcome the “branch arranged” old habits, it is clear that the Secretary is the corporate legal representative. The director is personally responsible for the state, enterprises and employees and is bound by the laws of the country. The branch is steering the ideological and political work and giving prominence to supervision. The second is to get rid of the shackles of “collective responsibility” and clarify that the director should exercise the power of overall decision-making. Past events “collective study”, but not resolved, mistakenly. The three “Regulations” clearly stipulate that the Secretary shall exercise the power of overall decision-making, establish a management committee, and improve the decision-making procedures of the director. The third is to overcome the style of “administrative dependence” and clarify that the director should implement independent command. Past subordinates rely on superiors, the Secretary relies on the secretary. Now that the division of labor is clear and each has its own responsibilities, the director boldly and independently exercises the power of production and command. He also adjusted the stock rooms and implemented the term-goal system for team leaders and branch chiefs and implemented the term targets at various levels.
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阅读1989年第10期《中国工商》登载的《联邦德国专家格里希谈企业管理》之后,我联想到我国当前的企业管理工作的情况和存在的问题。 格里希的谈话,从企业管理的范畴来说,似