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随着保险业管理体制的不断深化,保险业竞争已成定局,它打破以往的垄断、僵化、单一的格局,给中国的保险市场带来新的生机和活力,引导中国的保险业向文明、规范管理迈进。但我们也应该认识到喜悦与忧虑并存,通过对保险业机构的稽核发现,不规范经营行为普遍存在,无疑对保险业的管理与发展带来不利影响。 一、目前保险业经营行为不规范的主要反映: 1.借地区环境之特色,变更保险条款及内容开办保险业务。 通过稽核发现,有的保险公司在开办保险业务时,强调经济环境的不同,对保险金和保险费率进行了调整,同时,对理赔标准也进行了修改,以便“有利于”开办保险业务,“反映”地方特色,使保险业务呈“繁荣”景象,社会公众保险意识得到“加强”。如“学生团体平安保险”及“学生团体子女保险附加意外伤害医疗保险”条款规定保险金起点均为三千元人民币,但有的保险公司在具体经办此两项保险业务时,将保险金起点定为贰仟元人民币,并将“学生团体平安保险附加意外伤害医疗保险”理赔标准按80%计赔改为按70%理赔。 2.违规操作开办保险业务。 通过稽核发现,有的公司在开办具体保险业务 With the continuous deepening of the insurance management system, the competition in the insurance industry is a foregone conclusion. It has broken the previous monopoly, rigid and unitary pattern, brought new vigor and vitality to China’s insurance market, and guided China’s insurance industry toward civilization, Standardized management forward. However, we should also recognize the joy and anxiety coexist. Through the auditing of insurance institutions, it is found that non-standard business conduct is ubiquitous and will undoubtedly have an adverse effect on the management and development of the insurance industry. First, the current non-standard operation of the insurance business mainly reflected: 1. By the characteristics of the region’s environment, change the terms and content of the insurance business. Through the audit found that some insurance companies in the insurance business, emphasizing the different economic environment, insurance premiums and insurance rates were adjusted at the same time, the claims standard has also been modified in order to “help” to start the insurance business, “Reflecting” the local characteristics, making the insurance business a “prosperous” scene, and the public awareness of insurance has been “strengthened.” Such as “Student Group Ping An Insurance” and “Student Group Children’s Insurance Additional Accidental Injury Medical Insurance” provisions of the starting point of insurance are three thousand yuan, but some insurance companies in the specific handling of these two insurance business, the insurance The starting point for the two thousand yuan, and “Student Insurance Group Accidental Accidental Injury Medical Insurance” claims by 80% of the claims to 70% claims. 2. Illegal operation of the insurance business. Through the audit found that some companies are starting a specific insurance business
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