周末宅不住 逛街好享受 未来广场购物中心

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炎炎夏日,大多数人都喜欢宅在家中窝作一团,岂不知浪费了大好时光。这应是一个该走出去的季节。逛街不失为是一个很好的选择。特色的店铺,琳琅的商品,别样的活动体验是能够让你振奋精神的驱动力。如果你担心热,那么,我只能说你OUT了。现在就来给大家推荐一个周末清凉消夏的约会好去处,让你能够忘记夏日的炎热,尽情享受聚餐、购物与健身所带来的快乐,约上你的好友或死党,一同感受轻松愜意的周末美好时光。这就是地处北四环边上的未来广场购物中心。未来广场购物中心是远洋商业地产的标杆性项目,它地处亚奥商业区中部,是连接北四环与东四环的黄金交点,其高端时尚的国际化品牌定位和全新的购物花园概念,与Harbor Housc“简美式,慢生活”的品牌理念和一站式购物模式不谋而合。因而具有独特的美式休闲新风尚。购物中心总建筑面积为61000m~2。被誉为“中国最具情感的品质生活型购物广场”。以中国最具国际化特色餐饮主题公园、国际高端时尚品牌购物为主题,同时集休闲娱乐、艺术品鉴、文化交流等功能于一体的全方位的购物广场,主要为注重生活品位、讲究精致生活品质的中高端人群、周边居住群、商务人群及到访该区域人士提供一个前所未有的时尚型购物生活广场。 Hot summer, most people like to house a nest in the home nest, do you know wasting great time. This should be a season to go out. Shopping is after all, is a good choice. Unique shops, wonderful products, and a variety of activities are the driving forces that inspire you. If you are worried about heat, then I can only say that you OUT. Now to recommend a place for a weekend cool summer dating place, so you can forget the hot summer, enjoy dinner, shopping and fitness brought happiness, about your friends or buddies, feel relaxed together Weekend good times. This is located in the North Fourth Ring Road next to the Plaza Mall. Located in the central part of Ya’ao Commercial District, Future Plaza Shopping Mall is a landmark project of COSCO commercial district. It is the golden intersection connecting North Fourth Ring Road and East Fourth Ring Road. With its high-end and fashionable international brand positioning and brand-new shopping garden concept, And Harbor Housc “Jane American, slow life ” brand philosophy and one-stop shopping mode coincide. Thus has a unique new style of American leisure. Shopping center with a total construction area of ​​61000m ~ 2. Known as “China’s most emotional quality lifestyle shopping mall ”. With the theme of China’s most international specialty catering theme park and the international high-end fashion brand shopping, it also integrates functions of leisure and entertainment, art appreciation and cultural exchange in an all-round shopping plaza, focusing on quality of life and exquisite life Quality of high-end crowd, the surrounding living groups, business people and people visiting the region to provide an unprecedented fashion shopping Plaza.
由中国对外艺术展览公司主办的意大利提琴制作展览,订于10月23日至30日在北京国际艺术展览厅举行。意大利素有“提琴制作王国”之称,古有斯特拉地瓦利一代名匠,今 An exhib
落地式提琴一对情人去听音乐会。音乐会开始不久,姑娘问身旁的小伙: “哎,你看乐队后边的那个人,为什么把提琴放在地上演奏?”小伙:“那是落地式提琴。”音乐家的遗嘱一位音