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目的:了解三级综合医院临床护士胰岛素注射知信行水平及行为的影响因素,为制订针对性的胰岛素注射培训方案提供依据。方法:采用方便抽样法,于2020年5月选取某三级综合医院成人病房的169名临床护士作为研究对象,使用自制的基本资料问卷、胰岛素注射知信行问卷进行调查。采用二元Logistic回归分析探讨临床护士胰岛素注射行为的影响因素。结果:169名临床护士中,指南知晓率为82.84%(140/169),95.86%(162/169)的护士有患者教育经历,胰岛素注射针刺伤发生率为14.79%(25/169),90.53%(153/169)的护士有接受胰岛素注射系统培训的需求。临床护士胰岛素注射知信行问卷的知识、信念和行为维度得分分别为[60.00(45.00,70.00)]、[50.00(49.00,50.00)]和[85.00(82.00,85.00)]分,问卷总分为[189.00(178.50,200.50)]分。二元Logistic回归分析结果显示,知晓指南、接受胰岛素注射操作培训、胰岛素注射针刺伤经历是护士胰岛素注射行为的影响因素(n P<0.05)。n 结论:三级综合医院临床护士的胰岛素注射信念、行为处于较高水平,胰岛素注射知识仍欠缺。在临床胰岛素注射相关培训工作中应注重强化并维持胰岛素规范注射的信念及行为,强调胰岛素注射安全,并结合胰岛素注射技术指南与规范,提高临床护士胰岛素注射知识储备和应用能力。“,”Objective:To understand knowledge, belief, practice level of insulin injection and influencing factors of behavior of clinical nurses in tertiary general hospitals, so as to provide the basis for formulating targeted training programs for insulin injection.Methods:Using the convenient sampling method, a total of 169 clinical nurses in the adult ward of a tertiary general hospital were selected as the research objects in May 2020. The self-made basic information questionnaire and Insulin Injection Knowledge, Belief and Practice Questionnaire were used for investigation. Binary Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the influencing factors of insulin injection behavior of clinical nurses.Results:Among 169 clinical nurses, the awareness rate of guidelines was 82.84% (140/169) , 95.86% (162/169) of nurses had patient education experience, the incidence rate of insulin injection needle stab injury was 14.79% (25/169) , and 90.53% (153/169) of nurses had the need to receive insulin injection system training. The total scores of knowledge, belief and practice dimensions of the Insulin Injection Knowledge, Belief and Practice Questionnaire for clinical nurses were respectively 60.00 (45.00, 70.00) , 50.00 (49.00, 50.00) and 85.00 (82.00, 85.00) , and the total score of the questionnaire was 189.00 (178.50, 200.50) . The results of binary Logistic regression analysis showed that knowing the guidelines, receiving insulin injection operation training and insulin injection needle stick experience were the influencing factors of insulin injection behavior (n P<0.05) .n Conclusions:Clinical nurses in tertiary general hospitals have a high level of insulin injection beliefs and behaviors and there are still deficiencies in insulin injection knowledge. In the training work related to clinical insulin injection, attention should be paid to strengthening and maintaining the belief and behavior of standardized insulin injection, emphasizing the safety of insulin injection, and combining with the technical guidelines and specifications of insulin injection, improving the knowledge reserve and application ability of insulin injection of clinical nurses.
目的 探究针灸治疗盆腔炎性疾病(Pelvic inflammatory disease,PID)的取穴规律,为临床治疗取穴提供参考依据.方法 检索2009年1月—2018年12月中国知网(China National Knowle
目的 分析石家庄地区无偿献血者Rh阴性血液检测不合格情况,探讨有效减少稀有血型血液浪费的解决办法.方法 对2015—2020年石家庄地区无偿献血者的血液结果进行统计分析.结果
目的 了解临床和医技科研骨干科研能力现状,分析制约科研能力的主要影响因素,并提出针对性建议.方法 以首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院临床和医技科研骨干为研究对象,通过问卷
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