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  1. ——Hello!May I speak to Mike?
   ——Yes. ____.
   A. My name is Mike B. I’m Mike
   C. This is Mike speaking D. Mike is here
  Hello!May I speak to Li Ping?
  Who’s that?/Who is that speaking?
  This is Li Ping./This is Li Ping speaking.
  2. ——Would you mind my smoking here?
   A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not
   C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can’t take it
  [析]当别人用Would(Do) you mind…? 这一委婉的表达方法来征求你的同意或许可时,你通常可用两种方式回答:A.用否定形式表示同意或许可。例如:No, of course not./Of course not./Certainly not./No, please./Not at all. B.用某种理由委婉回绝。例如: I’m sorry, but…./I’m afraid that…/I would rather you wouldn’t…
  3. ——Happy New Year to you!
   A. The same to you B. You do too
   C. The same as you D. You have it too
  [析]听到对方的祝愿以后,如果表示“祝愿你也如此”时,习惯上用The same to you./I wish you the same./You, too!来作出回应。因此本题正确答案为A。
  4. ——Let me introduce myself. I’m Albert.
   A. What a pleasure B. It’s my pleasure
   C. I’m very pleasure D. Pleased to meet you
  [析]当两个人初次见面,一方作了自我介绍,另一方通常应说:Pleased to meet you./It’s nice (a pleasure) to meet you./Happy(Glad) to meet(see) you. 因此本题正确答案为D。
  5. ——Would you like to have a party this weekend?
   ——I’d like to, ____ I’m too busy.
   A. and B. so C. as D. but
  I’d like to. (我很乐意)/Certainly, I’d love to.(我很乐意)
  I’d love to come, but…/I’d like to, but…(我很想来,但……)/That’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid…(你真好,可我……)/What a pity, I…(真可惜,我……)
  1. ——You have done the work very well.
   A. Great B. Thanks C. Oh, no D. Not at all
  Thank you./Thank you very much./Thanks./Many thanks./It’s very kind of you.
  2. You think the new English teacher is very young and want to know how old she is, you
   should say “____”
   A. How old are you?
   B. Please tell me how old you are.
   C. We all think you look very young.
   D. When were you born?
  1. ——He is not a friend of yours, is he?
   ——____. I have never seen him before.
   A. No, he isn’t B. No, he is
   C. Yes, he is D. Yes, he isn’t
  2. ——Sorry, I forget to post the letter for you.
   ——Never mind, ____ it myself tonight.
   A. I’m going to post B. I’d better post
   C. I’ll post D. I’d rather post
  [析]根据语法知识和逻辑意思:排除B和D,A和C的区别在于“be going to”表示预先考虑过的打算,而试题提供的情景是一种“事先没有考虑”,即“临时的决定”。故选C。
  1. ——What does your mother do?
   A. She does well B. Yes, she is a doctor
   C. She is at home D. She is a teacher
  [析]What do(does)… do? 意思是问某人的职业、工作,并非问某人做的“怎么样”等其他意思。故答案为D。
  2. ——____?
   ——She is tall and thin.
   A. What’s the girl like B. How do you like the girl
   C. How old is the girl D. Who is the girl
  [析]问外貌,应用“What’s sb. like? ”。故选A。
  A: What are you going to do this Saturday?
  B: I haven’t decided. __1__
  A: Yes. Would you like to watch it? Li Lei and Wang Gang are both on our school team.
  B: __2__ But do you know which team our school is going to play against?
  A: The team from Yangguang Middle School.
  B: Really? I think it is not easy for us to win the match. __3__
  A: But our team is even stronger. __4__
  B: It must be a wonderful match.
  A: I think so. __5__
  B: OK. I’ll wait for you at 3 o’clock at the school gate.
  A. Shall we go and watch it together?
  B. We are sure to win.
  C. We will lose the match.
  D. That’s great.
  E. Their team is a rather strong one.
  F. Will you join in it?
  G. But I hear there is going to be a football match in our school.
  Waiter: Can I help you, sir?
  Foreigner: Yes. __1__
  Waiter: You can go to the Centre Hall. There’s a shop there.
  Foreigner: Thanks. Your English is quite good.
  Waiter: __2__ By the way, are you working in Beijing?
  Foreigner: No, I’m not. I’ve come for the Olympics.
  Waiter: Oh, so you are an athlete(运动员)? Welcome to Beijing. What sport…
  Foreigner: Oh, no, no. I’m not an athlete. I’m just a football fan.
  Waiter: Me, too!__3__
  Foreigner: Two weeks. I’ve visited some places of interest.
  Waiter: What do you think of Beijing?
  Foreigner: __4__ Clean ground, blue sky and…Oh, I forgot. My friend is waiting for me there.
   I must go. Goodbye.
  Waiter: See you. __5__
  A. How long have you been here?
  B. I’d like to get a map of Beijing.
  C. How much is it?
  D. Have a nice day!
  E. Thank you.
  F. That’s all right.
  G. It’s a very beautiful city.
  A: Hi, Lisa. __1__
  B: I’ll stay at home and watch TV.
  A: __2__
  B: Great. Here is the newspaper. __3__
  A: OK!Look, there is a talk on science at 8:00 on CCTV 10.
  B: Wonderful!I like science programs.
  A: __4__
  B: There is still a little time left. Let’s watch other programs first.
  A: __5__
  A. I prefer TV plays.
  B. Let’s find out what’s on.
  C. So do I.
  D. Why not watch TV together?
  E. Neither do I.
  F. All right.
  G. What are you going to do tonight?
  Key:(A)1.G 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.A (B)1.B 2.E 3.A 4.G 5.D (C)1.G 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.F
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