
来源 :山西临床医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuangyunlo
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为了解牙周病与机体免疫功能的关系⒙对 84 例牙周病患者⒙取静脉血用单克隆抗体标记红细胞花环试验和免疫单扩散法侧定 T 细胞亚群和血清免疫球蛋白及补体⒚结果 84 例牙周病患者的 C D3⒙ C D4⒙ C D8 细胞分别为 70.1% ⒙50.52% 和 41.76% ⒙比正常对照组高⒙ P< 0.05⒛血清 Ig G⒙ Ig A⒙ Ig M 和补体 C3⒙ C4 分别为 9.53⒙1.58⒙1.15⒙1.01⒙0.43 ⒉g/ L⒕⒙比正常对照组低⒚本结果表明牙周病患者 T 细胞亚群升高⒙而血清免疫球蛋白补体成分降低⒙与牙周病的发生有相关意义⒚ In order to understand the relationship between periodontal disease and immune function 84 84 patients with periodontal disease ⒙ take venous blood monoclonal antibody labeled erythrocyte rosette test and immunohistochemistry T cell subsets and serum immunoglobulin and complement immunoglobulin ⒚ Results 84 cases of periodontal disease patients with C D3 ⒙ C D4 ⒙ C D8 cells were 70.1% ⒙ 50.52% and 41.76% 高 higher than the normal control group ⒙ P <0.05 ⒛ serum Ig G ⒙ Ig A ⒙ Ig M and Complement C3⒙ C4 were 9.53⒙1.58⒙1.15⒙1.01⒙0.43 ⒉g / L⒕⒙ lower than the normal control group The results show that patients with periodontal disease increased T cell subsets and serum immunoglobulin complement components decreased ⒙ and teeth The occurrence of peripheral disease has a relevant meaning ⒚
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对于连续数个需作金属烤瓷冠修复的牙体常在牙体预备后制作一个临时冠桥,现介绍一种简捷的制作方法:1. 牙体预备之前常规取模,留置备用,印模材料要求质量好,弹性大,不易变形
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血管瘤是小儿最常见的良性肿瘤.1982年,Mulliken 及Glowacki按组织学中有无血管内皮细胞增殖将其分为血管瘤和血管畸形两类[1].血管瘤来源于残余胚胎血管细胞,而血管畸形则是