流动的血脉少数民族语言文字大观刘增林 语言文字是人类进行社会交际、交流思想的工具。中华人民共和国宪法和民族区域自治法明确规定:“各民族都有使用和发展自己的语言文字的自由”。我国56个民族共有约80种语言,约30种文字一、系统丰富的语言资源在我国的56?..
Flow of Blood Minority Language Grand View Liu Zenglin language is human social communication, exchange of ideas tools. The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Law on Regional National Autonomy stipulate clearly that “all ethnic groups have the freedom to use and develop their own languages.” The 56 ethnic groups in our country have a total of about 80 languages, about 30 languages and a system of rich language resources in our country.