
来源 :胃肠病学和肝病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aacpc
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目的:胰腺癌发病率呈上升趋势,但早期诊断仍较困难,根治率低。提高对胰腺癌的临床认识,可能对早期诊断有所裨益。方法:采用回顾性分析的方法,分析了1977~1995年间我院的254例胰腺癌病例。结果及结论:男166例,女88例,年龄:27~84岁,平均569岁。首发症状以腹痛(504%)、黄疸(154%)、上腹不适(94%)最常见;病程中的主要症状有腹痛(727%)、厌食(727%)、消瘦(682%)、黄疸(570%)、腰背痛(331%)。胰腺癌体征主要有腹部压痛(442%),肿块(244%);黄疸是胰头癌的突出表现(863%),相当一部分是无痛性黄疸。B超、内镜超声检查、CT符合率均较高。手术切除率与病程和癌肿大小有关。提出了尽可能早期诊断的措施 Objective: The incidence of pancreatic cancer is on the rise, but early diagnosis is still difficult and the cure rate is low. Raising the clinical awareness of pancreatic cancer may be helpful for early diagnosis. Methods: A retrospective analysis was used to analyze 254 cases of pancreatic cancer in our hospital from 1977 to 1995. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: There were 166 males and 88 females. Their age ranged from 27 to 84 years, with an average of 56. The first symptoms were abdominal pain (504%), jaundice (154%) and epigastric discomfort (94%). The main symptoms were abdominal pain (727%) and anorexia (727) during the course of the disease. %), weight loss (68. 2%), jaundice (57.0%), low back pain (33.1%). The main signs of pancreatic cancer were abdominal tenderness (442%) and masses (244%). Jaundice was the prominent manifestation of pancreatic head cancer (863%), and a considerable part was painless jaundice. B-ultrasound, endoscopic ultrasonography, and CT coincidence rates were high. The surgical resection rate is related to the course of disease and the size of the cancer. Suggested measures for early diagnosis as soon as possible
In the process of the design of heat exchangers,it is difficult to establish the factors governing the optimal points of the design objective functions due to t
原料:鲜虾10个,口蘑6个,青红尖椒各半个,洋葱半个,大蒜3瓣  调料:盐1/2茶匙(3克),蚝油1茶匙(5毫升),糖1/3茶匙(约2克),黄油15克,水淀粉1汤匙(15毫升),黑胡椒碎1茶匙(5克)  做法:  1.洋葱、大蒜洗净后切碎,青红椒去籽切成小块,口蘑洗净后也切小块。  2.锅中放入黄油,小火融化后加入食用油(25毫升),放入洋葱碎、大蒜碎,用中小火炒香后,撒入盐、蚝油、糖、黑胡椒碎、