
来源 :中国供销合作经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mytollen
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党的十六大报告指出:“统筹城乡经济社会发展,建设现代农业,发展农村经济,增加农民收入,是全面建设小康社会的重大任务。”而供销合作社的问题实质是农业、农村、农民问题。当前,各地供销合作社正在认真学习、贯彻落实十六大精神,服务“三农”,深化“四项改造”,积极参与和推动农业产业化经营,提高农民进入市场的组织化程度和农业综合效益,做好这一工作,更需要各级党政领导的重视和支持。为此,我们开辟“党政领导谈供销社”专栏,欢迎大家积极参与。 The report of the 16th CPC National Congress pointed out: “The overall task of economic and social development in urban and rural areas, the construction of modern agriculture, the development of rural economy and the increase of peasants’ income are major tasks in building an overall well-to-do society.” However, the problems of supply and marketing cooperatives are essentially problems of agriculture, rural areas and peasants . At present, the supply and marketing cooperatives across the country are earnestly studying and implementing the spirit of the 16th CPC Congress, serving “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, deepening the “four transformations”, actively participating in and promoting the industrialization of agriculture, and improving the organization of farmers entering the market and the overall agricultural benefits To do this well, it needs the attention and support of party and government leaders at all levels. To this end, we open up a column titled “Supply and Marketing Cooperatives for Leadership Between the Party and Government,” and we welcome everyone’s active participation.
患者女,78岁.因咳嗽、咳痰、痰中带血2个月入院.体格检查:一般情况差,KPS 60,全身浅表淋巴结未触及;右上肺叩诊呈实音,呼吸音低,双肺闻及少许湿罗音。
Hemipelagic contourites were interpreted in the Silurian Kepingtage (柯坪塔格) Formation in the Tarim basin, Northwest China, through studies of outcrop, core,
The sixth Beijing InternationalHigh-Tech Expo closed on Sep-tember 15 in Beijing. The leaders of the Central Com-mittee and Beijing government at-tended today