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根据本人在多年的会计电算化教学过程中的体会,就暂估存货的处理、采购业务处理、付款结算及核销业务处理、红字冲销的会计分录处理办法和退货业务的处理等会计电算化账务处理作些探讨。 According to my experience in accounting computerized teaching for many years, I am going to estimate the inventory management, the procurement business processing, the payment settlement and verification business, the accounting treatment for the red sales and the processing of the return business. Computation of accounting treatment for some discussion.
The effect of cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) on the gelation of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) by Cr (III) was investiga
The electron transfer reaction between triplet anthraquinone-2-sulfonate and poly-guanylic acid (5’) in CH3CN-H2O (97 : 3) has been investigated by 248 nm (KrF
近日 ,中国石油天然气集团公司副总经理郑虎在“2 0 0 0年中国国际石油天然气会议暨展览新闻发布会”上公布 ,力争用 10年左右的时间 ,连同开发海上气田和利用国外天然气在内
Many trinary lanthanide complexes have been studied. However, few mixed anion complexes with bidentate heterocyclic amines were synthesized. Mixed anion comple
采用预消化悬浮液进样GFAAS法测定饲料样品中的铜,并对测定条件进行了较深入的研究.通过对照实验证明,该法与常用的湿法消解法无显著性差异,本法的精密度(RSD) 为3.76%,加标回收
The complex fluoride LiBaF3 is solvothermally synthesized at 180℃ and characterized by means of X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermog