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曹德明,教授、博士生导师,上海外国语大学校长,全国外语专业指导委员会副主任委员兼法语组组长、中国法语教学研究会会长兼世界法语教师联合会亚太委员会副会长。1977年毕业于原上海外国语学院法语系,毕业后留校任教至今。历任法语系副主任、主任、西方语学院院长、副校长等职,2005年任上海外国语大学校长。1981至1984年留学法国,先后获深入研究文凭(DEA)和法语语言学博士学位。1990年获教育部霍英东教育基金“青年教师奖”,1996年获宝钢教育基金“优秀教师奖”,2001年获法国教育金棕榈军官级勋章,2002年获日本创价大学“最高荣誉奖”。研究论文有“语言规范与语言的多样性”、“词汇的文化内涵与翻译”等30余篇,出版有《现代法语词汇学》、《法汉实用分类词典》、《加拿大文学词典》、《法语渐进》系列等论著、教材、辞书等10多部。发表有《女士乐园》、《阿达拉·勒内》、《社会语言学》、《从巴黎到耶路撒冷》、《伏尔泰中短篇小说集》等20多部翻译作品。 Cao Deming, Professor, doctoral tutor, president of Shanghai International Studies University, vice chairman and French team leader of the National Foreign Language Steering Committee, vice president of China French Teaching Association and the Asia Pacific Committee of the World Federation of French Teachers. In 1977 graduated from the former Shanghai International Studies University Department of French, after graduation to teach so far. Former French Department deputy director, director, Dean of Western Language Institute, vice president and other staff, in 2005 the Shanghai International Studies University president. Studied in France from 1981 to 1984 and received a Diploma in Further Studies (DEA) and a PhD in French Linguistics. He was awarded the “Outstanding Teacher Award” by the Education Department of Huo Yingdong Education Foundation in 1990, the “Outstanding Teacher Award” from Baosteel Education Foundation in 1996, the “Medal of the Palm of the French Empire” in 2001, and the “Highest Honor Award” from Soka University of Japan in 2002. His research papers include more than 30 articles on “Language Norms and Linguistic Diversity,” “Cultural Connotations and Translation of Vocabularies,” and other publications such as Modern French Vocabulary, Dictionary of Practical Chinese and Chinese Fragments, Canadian Dictionary of Literature, French progressive “series such as treatises, textbooks, dictionaries and more than 10. Published more than 20 translation works such as ”Ladies Paradise“, ”Adala Rene“, ”Sociolinguistics“, ”From Paris to Jerusalem“, ”Voltaire short story collection".