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在我国图书分类法逐渐统一,国家标准即将问世之际,编制一种科学的比较理想的著者号码表,为统一书次号,进而产生国标,解决同类图书的排列问题,已刻不容缓地提到图书馆界的研究日程上来了。河南图书馆工作者对书次号的研究兴趣很浓、气氛活跃,而且起步较早,十几年来经历了由单独研究到联合攻关的艰苦曲折路程。一九七九年,中国图书馆学会成立,我省侯有德拼查号法表问世,並参加了中国图书馆学会第一次科学讨论会。河南省图书馆学会成立之后,书次号的研究进入了深入争鸣阶段。一九八一年,在郑州召开了书次号研讨会,收到论文十多篇,会上大家畅所欲言,各抒己见,气氛相当活跃。既有著者号与种次号之争,又有多因素组配号的见解,如著者出版年月号、著者拼音四角号等,另外,还有著者号内部各家各表的不同管见。几年内,先后提交的著者号码表计有:①拼号法吴勋泽表、廉尚华表、陈仇白、朱佩珩表、周志有表等。②查号法有刘书春表。③拼查号法有侯有德表等。通过研讨交流,大 With the gradual unification of our country’s taxonomy of books and the imminent introduction of national standards, we have compiled a relatively ideal number table for the study of science. In order to unify the book titles and then produce the national standard and solve the arrangement of similar books, it is urgent to refer to the library The research agenda of the community is up. Henan Library workers are very interested in the study of the secondary titles. They are active in atmosphere and started earlier. Over the past 10 years, Henan library workers have gone through a difficult journey from individual research to joint research. In 1979, the Chinese Library Association was established. Our province Hou Youde spell-check number table came out and participated in the first scientific symposium of China Library Association. After the founding of Henan Provincial Library Association, the study of the book number entered a deep contention stage. In 1981, it held a book number seminar in Zhengzhou and received more than 10 essays. At the meeting, everyone spoke freely and expressed their opinions freely. The atmosphere was quite active. Both the author number and the number of disputes, but also multi-factor group with insights, such as the author’s publication of the month and month, the author Pinyin square number, in addition, there are different numbers within the author’s various internal control. Within a few years, has submitted the author number table are: ① spelling number Wu Hsun Tze table, Lian Shanghua table, Chen white, Zhu Pei table, Zhou table. ② check number law with Liu Shu-chun table. ③ fight check number law Hou table and so there. Through discussion and exchange, big
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